The Speech Pattern That Drives Me INSANE | Joe Scott TMI

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I had to turn off a podcast the other day because the way the narrator was speaking was making me nuts. Made me start thinking about the way we speak and how it's changing in the media.
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As a Japanese person, this is exactly how I feel about anime. Nobody talks that way.


The one that drives me nuts is when a person's voice goes up at the end of every sentence? It makes everything sound like a question? Drives me right up the wall?


On the other side, YouTubers editing out pauses and talking as quickly as possible is unlistenable to me.


Mid-Atlantic accent came out of plays, where people spoke like that to be heard in the back of the theater before amplification.
It continued into radio and early TV because of inertia, and also the mics and speakers weren't' as good back then.

And yes, it was taught, anywhere people were taught to speak to the public.


"Stephen Hawking had a more realistic voice." ahahaha


Old phonagraphs and poor radio quality. That was almost certainly the original cause. They don't handle inflection well. They don't pick up on quiet moments and crackle at loud points. Old radios usually have background static because an untrained human can't tune it to a station perfectly, even if the station is broadcasting crips, clear signals.


As a VO guy myself, first - I concur with your assessment. When you speak like a real person, IMO you're more relatable and believable. I will say that when you're a voice for hire, sometimes you produce a product under the guidelines of the client whether you agree or not with the directions. Your sole option is do it, or miss out on the job and the paycheck. I know I can say I've acquiesced to VO requests before that I thought were over the top because the money was more important than taking the stand. Thanks for all your hard work on your channels. I'm grateful for you.


Mid-Atlantic Accent: “Hi. I’m Troy McCulre. You might remember me from such films as Smoke Yourself Thin or Answers With Joe.” It’s the advertising voice.


About a decade ago, my daughter studied radio broadcasting at Humber College in Ontario. One of the things they promoted was talking in a normal, more friendly, conversational voice, as if you were talking to a friend rather than thousands of listeners. And I have noticed a change in the media. But old idea die hard.
Similar vein, l do spoken word poetry. It's amazing how many poets still feel they have to speak in a "poet" voice rather than use their own voice with their wonderful grasp of words. Language is lovely! It doesn't always need a tone of voice that doesn't necessarily fit the meaning.


Vocal fry and upspeak drive me nuts. No matter if the content is good, if the speaker uses either of those I turn them off.


Adding “like” everywhere drives me nuts. Like, that’s not, like, the way people should, like, talk. Like, right?


I say phonetically, "Thee" if the proceeding word starts with a vowel... It actually feels strange to say "Thuh apple" or "Thuh internet" to me... Am I weird?


"Sweetheart, acting is acting like you're not acting." - The Rocketeer


You have a very warm, pleasing speaking style. It's one of the things that drew me to your channel.


I've been talking for a while about the YouTube Accent. I think I have traced it to the influence of some Canadian Tubers like NileRed. They are well spoken and have great written material, but their intonation is just... different. The emphasis over the length of the sentence just hits different stress marks. It's like the feeling I had being in the UK for the first time. Everything was so familiar that the differences were accentuated. It's like YouTube has become a melting pot for English speakers, where an international amalgam of accents is taking place as we listen.


Love it when Joe brings his knee up and hugs it like a security blanket


I remember the shift that happened when Nirvana hit the airways. Everything changed over night. It was amazing!! Also you do come off genuine and I appreciate that you don’t dumb the science down but you make it accessible.


there's a YT channel called "Criminally Listed", which is really good, but the narrator has a cadence I've never heard before and it sounds like someone who learned speech from those channels where a text-to-voice program was used to narrate the video except it's pleasant instead of grating.


Back in the day they used the weird accents because the old recording equipment picked it up better. Normal speech was very often incomprehensible when recorded back then (bad quality recording compared to day's standards). That's it.


I feel that way about that one girl from SciShow. More often than not she speaks in a way that sounds like she has no voice at all. It's just this raspy back of the throat kinda sound. That combined with her speech pattern drives me nuts to the point where even if the information is good, I just can't bare listening to it.
Edit: just learned that it's called "vocal fry" I kow the specific name of the thing I hate lol
