#Python | Boxplot & Detect Outliers | #Boxplots #pandas #matplotlib #DataVisualization

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RJ Studio’s 125th video is showing you how to create boxplots and detect outliers in Python.
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Boxplots can help you analyze the spread of numerical data at a glance ~ 🚀

Also, I write a function that can extract outliers, which are indicated by circles at the top and bottom of boxplots (when outliers exist).

☆ Video Chapters ☆
0:00 Intro
0:40 Iris Data
2:38 Boxplot
4:06 Outliers
5:52 Outro

For background music, I used 2 awesome songs by Meghan Trainor.

Hope my video taught you something new!
And feel free to correct me if I made some mistakes in the comments :)

이번에는 파이썬으로 박스 플롯을 만들고 이상치를 추출하는 함수를 작성해보는 비디오를 만들었습니다. ≧◡≦
유익한 정보이길 바랄게요~ 감사합니다.

“In teaching others, we teach ourselves.”

Рекомендации по теме

0:00 Intro
0:40 Iris Data
2:38 Boxplot
4:06 Outliers
5:52 Outro
