What If Anakin Skywalker Led a Rebellion Within the Jedi Order

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What If Anakin Skywalker Led a Rebellion Within the Jedi Order? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Tarkin: I wish more Jedi had your military sensibilities. Perhaps I can inform the chancellor of your valor.

Obi-Wan: I’m not sure what to think of your new ally.

Anakin: Well I think we need people like him. This is a war. If we aren’t willing to do what it takes to win, we risk losing everything we try to protect.

Obi-Wan: Unfortunately, war tends to distort our code, even for victory we risk losing that which is most important. Our honor.

The pair watches as Tarkin leaves, the words sinking into Anakin. Rather than put him at ease, they only upset him further.

Before the war, he might have understood them but now they are almost two years into a conflict and the Jedi still see themselves as peacekeepers. The peace they knew is long gone but the Order still has one foot in the past. He’s convinced they no longer remain in touch with what's happening in the galaxy.

Rather than bottle these feelings up, Anakin voices these concerns in meetings with the Jedi. He says the Jedi’s job should be to end the war as quickly as possible and do whatever it takes. Instead, they have become reactionary and only deal with problems as they arise.

With this criticism, he finds a surprising amount of support. While many older Jedi believe that Anakin is out of line, many younger Jedi side with him. They are tired of the Jedi’s hypocrisy and this growing faction of Jedi decide to play an even more active role in the war and fully embrace their role as officers within the Republic military to end the war as quickly as possible.

Palpatine provides these Jedi with training in official military academies. While this takes months, the young Jedi who emerge are far more experienced in military affairs than even their older masters.

Their capabilities shift the war in favor of the Republic far sooner. Anakin becomes the head of this faction of Jedi, putting him in a position of immense responsibility. At first, the young Jedi struggles to handle this task as he has little experience.

Thankfully he has Padme to help him who suggests that some of the Jedi also help rebuild the war-torn worlds, saying that just because the fighting is over, doesn’t mean the war is over for those whose lives have been destroyed by war.

Anakin loves this idea and pushes the Jedi to take more action. Here, the less militaristic Jedi are put into action, providing relief aid and helping worlds rebuild. Soon, Anakin’s faction becomes the unofficial military wing.

At first, this division helps as it allows Anakin a place to thrive and the rest of the Jedi to focus on their roots. That is until the Jedi Temple Bombing.

One of the prime suspects in this attack is Anakin’s own Padawan, Ahsoka. Eventually, she’s arrested and an investigation goes underway where she is found guilty and is to be expelled from the Jedi Order.

Yoda: Clouded by the Dark Side these things are, Padawan Tano. Dangerously clouded, but not just surrounding you. Surrounding many things in these times.

Anakin: You’ve already made your decision haven’t you? This meeting is just a formality!

Yoda: Reached a decision we have, though not in total agreement we are.

Mace: It is the Council’s opinion that Padawan Ahsoka Tano has committed sedition against the Republic and thus will be expelled from the Jedi Order.

Anakin: You can’t do this.

Ki-Adi-Mundi: Your Padawan status will be stripped from you, and you shall forfeit all rank and privileges within the Grand Army of the Republic. You will be turned over
to the Republic courts to await your trial and whatever punishment they will set for you. Henceforth, you are barred from the Jedi Order.

Rather than stay quiet with this news, Anakin informs his followers who begin protesting the decision, throwing the Jedi Order into chaos. As they see it, this is a politicized move to harm Anakin’s reputation.

This is made only worse by the revelation that Admiral Tarkin ordered that Ahsoka be expelled to be given a military trial. Anakin’s Jedi see this as the Jedi turning their backs against all their beliefs.

Later on, it's proven that Ahsoka is indeed innocent and Jedi responsible is not a member of Anakin’s faction. Although Yoda and the Council apologize for their decision, the War Faction is not satisfied. They continue protesting and demand that Yoda step down as Grand Master of the Jedi Order and Anakin takes his place.

Mace: Surely this is a joke. Master Yoda has led the Jedi through times of triumph and struggle for centuries.

Anakin: And I honor him for it, but maybe it's time to let the Grand Master rest.

Yoda: And lead us, you shall?

Anakin: If that's what the Order wants, yes.

#starwars #starwarswhatif #anakinskywalker
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Why is it everyone wants Anakin to go to the dark side so much. 🤔 Why not have him do right by the Jedi


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I’m not sure if you’re voicing Anakin in these or not, but it kind of sounds like it could be you; if so you sound exactly like Matt Latner’s Anakin from the Clone Wars.


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6:24 while I agree that Yoda stepping down has merit, Anakin is not ready to be Grandmaster. He would still have many lessons to learn at this time, plus he’s not even a Master yet.

He’s a good leader in an army, but the Grandmaster has responsibility over the entire Jedi Order. Many of these responsibilities that Anakin has not been taught nor trained for.

I’m not disagreeing with what you did. I’m just disagreeing with who the war faction thought should be Grandmaster instead of Yoda.


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That thumbnail goes hard, very nice video too man


The usual happened to the Jedi Temple and Ahsoka, then the Jedi wheo sided with Anakin and Palpatine, where Anakin defeated Mace Windu. This one was serious and action packed. It was great thay Ahsoka and Padme talked Anakin back to the Light and defeat Palpatine.


Yoda at 14:12 sounded like Uncle Iroh lol


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BTW, your transformers x death star video was awesome


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What if the devil turned Anakin into the Ghost rider in exchange for saving him from burning on Mustafar? Honestly think about it. Dark Anakin almost Vader lying on the bed of the magma river on mustafar making the deal (as his body catches fire) with the devil to restore his body and becomes the GHOST RIDER! Not Maybe the devil says "at this point, you can keep the flames"


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What if Anakin stole the Scimitar?

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Maybe he found it after the Battle of Naboo?

You could even have a story in which the Scimitar calls out to Anakin on coruscant at a point in time when Anakin is desperate to end the clone wars and seduces Anakin into taking it and running off on his own with it and become a VIGILANTE?

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Like batman and batmobile vibes.

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While in hyperspace only?
