Germany sorts kids into their future career path at WHAT age???

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How is Germany’s school system different from the one where you live? 🤓📝 #berlin #germany #cultureshock #germanschool #livingabroad #livingingermany #shorts
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It should be mentioned that these paths can be easily changed. This way, no one gets stuck in the wrong school/career forever. The idea behind this is not to burden practically gifted/interested children with too much dry academic material and, conversely, not to bore intelligent children with an unchallenging curriculum.


This is a great system! Should be implemented all over the world! Miss my home country!


It's the same in other countries. After primary school you either go to a general highschool or to a trade school. After the general highschool there are still a few options.


Everyone who went to a gymasium back in primary are total dropouts lmaoooo


That’s awesome what a way to give direction yet still choice


I was in the short bus, learning disabilities classes until eighth grade, then moved to advanced placement. I'm now an electrical engineer.


Quick side note, because you mention law and medical school: The uni system is different than the US and rather than grad school you directly apply for law, etc when you start university without doing an undergrad first. Just wanted to mention that since it confuses a lot of people.


You can also continue school after your first degree and can get from hauptschule to gymnasium and then study. And I like this flexibility


well that's the oversimplification of the century


You're also able to go to gymnasium when you're on the hauptschule. What is he talking about? Of course you have to do something for that, learning inluded.


Fun fact: many Gymnasium graduates actually end up doing an apprenticeship after all :)


That's like it feels... a little bit.
I did pretty well in primary school, except for Physical Education and Crafting Lessons ("Werkunterricht"), but my teachers were convinced that I should be good in all subjects and that I wouldn't be able to keep up with pressure in Gymnasium. So I went to Realschule, with a lot of people that I didn't get along with, while the few friends I had moved on to Gymnasium... so the stress in Realschule did not come from school work, but mostly from my classmates.
And yet, when I eventually took advanced schooling on a Gymnasial level to get to university, I found that not only school work was doable, but my classmates were much chiller and more mature (I mean... they were over 18, but still!), and it was a more healthy environment to grow up.

So what do I take from this? ... I'm not sure. I was an anxious child, and maybe pressure would have gotten to me either way. But I don't think physical grades were a good enough justification to keep me below my level, and some early counseling might have done better adapting to the challenges.


This separation is actually pretty shitty... Gesamtschule was not available where I live but that sounds alright. I've been in Realschule and there was always judgements between other schools. Today everybody's child is the smartest and has to go to the Gymnasium since it seems to offer the best chances... But you (or your parents) have to decide that if you are 10 or so. I really don't like it


In Finland we choose our school at the age of 16. And after that it's still easy to change. But everybody can go to a special class already at the age of 9. Special classes are thing like music or art


Your future is not "decided"... you can switch schools or take extra courses/years to change paths. This is extrimely misinformant.


In the Netherlands we get sorted at age 12. It’s also very difficult to switch paths.


This would've given primary school me intense anxiety. I didn't even have my future planned out when I graduated high school, let alone primary.


Its actually not. After fourth grade the teachers check on how quick you are with learning new things. Since every child develops different not every child woud be able to learn as quickly as you are supposed to in the Gymnasium. That means kids who have trouble to learn that fast can go to a school first that is not so stressful for them to slowly reach the level of the Gymnasium. You can finish after 9th or 10th grade or you finish 10th grade and go to a Gymnasium afterwards to finish at 12th or 13th grade. It is made to make it easier for kids who don't understand or develop that quickly and even if you finished with 9th or 10th grade you have an opportunity to study in University.


Friendly reminder that "Sorting Hat" style education has been proven to reduce positive education outcomes.
Even when you can change levels/paths, telling students what you think they should be causes social pressure to conform.


In my country everybody is trained to be a factory worker, but we closed all of our factories
