Selen Atasoy: Enhanced Improvisation in LSD Brain Processing

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Selen Atasoy, PhD
Enhanced Improvisation in Brain Processing by LSD:
Exploring Neural Correlates of LSD Experience With
Connectome-Specific Harmonic Waves

Psychedelic Science 2017
A six-day global gathering of the international scientific community in Oakland, California to explore new research into the benefits and risks of MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, ketamine, ibogaine, medical marijuana, and more.
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This is THE most significant and eloquent explanation and results I have seen so far. Why isn't this on CNN and the rest?


This is awesome across so many disciplines it is mindblowing


Excellent work. This field of study and therapy should open up a whole new way of treating psychiatric disorders which could focus on resolution vs. masking. I hope that she and her colleagues receive the necessary funding to continue this important work.


Very interesting topics. I Googled Selen to see what critics may say. I didn't find anything contrary to her work. I'm surprised she was able to do tests with LSD. I've heard many people say hallucinogenics helped with their overall mental health. Joe Rogan talks about this often.


i would like to see a study with light and its effects on the brain as the guy at the 25 minute mark asked in regards to non audible stimuli.


whoa! we need more of this. great work!


very interesting. the 2018 gives a great review of the impact of this work in understanding the brain function; the 2016 paper gives the foundations to understand the eigen-decomposition. cool stuff.


Absolutely fabulous work! This is amazing <3 Thank you for all that you do and share, MAPS and friends.


mind-blown - or should I say mind-approaching-criticality?


That idea of the edge between order and chaos is exactly what i was shown on 1100ug. I looked at this perfectly balanced system that was continuously moving in and out of itsself. The start is the beginning and the end is the start. This presentation shows that lsd is chemically inducing this process in your brain and not just showing you an imaginary system. that makes so much sense.


@20:38 Wow I thought "power fluctuations' only happen in Star Trek


Wow! Criticality certainly describes our trending state of life.


29:03 No the music 'itself does not have an effect. It is the process by which our brain turns sound into music. Hearing is the only process where the human brain gets extra electricity for doing it. The brain receives actual electrical energy when the eardrum beats, this is the only process in the human body that does this. It is basically a net gain for the brain where as things like sight are using extra power to interpret. I'd gather that on the highest levels of brain corrticality that white noise would still be applicable for listening. I.e creating an addition to the brain waves already active. Sorry I'm a bit compromised right now but this is the best I can do on short notice. P.s. I mean sober, there are just people around me. Hope this helps! I know it seems counter intuitive at first but the brain really does get a net gain from listening, to music or otherwise! It's like free electricity for brain power. I think music just helps along in the process because we're and I mean brains in the sense of were, better at interpreting it, like putting a better fuel in the engine -> Sure it will run more efficiently! :)


listening to a Jordan Peterson lecture on chaos and order will do a lot to aid in understanding this video. reminiscing on my own experience on lsd it did have that effect of aiding in my neurological re-ordering through higher frequency manipulation. The real key was eliminating societal bought definitions with the aid of LSD. It is what allowed myself to anchor and integrate higher functioning brain states. Its soo much easier to filter out garbage from my physical mind now.


I think Tibetan mandalas may be relevant, as I recall their structure and compositional significance to be representative of mind states and neural activity. (I need to review that topic...)


Taking LSD is like being drunk on happiness


Is there any possibility of researching this interesting subject equipped only with an EEG, or do we require fMRI?


This is too broad, each axon can tune itself with it's neighbors with myelin.
These harmonics will exist on the scale of even circuits of a few cells


Neat work, but the presenter used way too many easy-to-misunderstand words. For example, LSD "increases total power and energy" of brain states. And LSD increases "higher harmonics." Yes, that's true, but only in the very literal physics sense. Laymen, or even wishful-thinking experts, will read into that and think it means things that it doesnt.

I wish people would stop overhyping work like this. There's no reason to make your work seem like it has quasi-mystical implications when it doesnt.


Are the harmonic patterns in the brain already there and then you use the equation to determine the frequency?
