Arduino RFID sensor - read and write RFID RC522 - LCD16*2 character - rfid-rc522

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In this video, I want to show you how to program RFID sensor - reading and writing and LCD16*2 character by sensor RC522 - TAG RFID SENSOR

Arduino RFID sensor - rfid-rc522 - LCD16*2 character - read and write rfid RC522

Components required:
1. Arduino UNO
2. breadboard
3. RfIDsensor RC522
4. LCD16*2 character
5. LED

Download Codes and Circuit Diagrams

0:00 -Review
0:50 -Components required
0:59 -Steps to close the circuit
1:53 -Simple programming RFID sensor
2:24 -Simple running RFID sensor and read tag rfid
3:36 -Simple programming write tag rfid
4:12 -Simple running read tag rfid
4:36 -Simple programming write tag rfid
4:52 -Simple running read tag rfid
5:13 -electrical circuit map
5:18 -Steps to close the circuit
6:22 -Simple programming RFID sensor and LCD16*2 character and LED
6:59 -Simple running RFID sensor and LCD16*2 character and LED

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Arduino RFID sensor - Open the door using rfid - Display card address RFID RC522

Arduino RFID sensor Add and remove cards using MasterCard rfid-rc522 RFID sensor

Note: Some People copy my content as well as the thumbnail. I have no issues with content as long they make it themselves. But for the thumbnail, It belongs to respective owners (Some also created by myself). If you get a copyright strike without any notice by copying my thumbnail, it is not my fault. Happy Creating :)

This video is for demonstration and education purposes only
Each demonstration presents risks and hazards that must be fully understood before attempting and should be performed only by professionals
how,how to,how to make,electronic,technical new ideas,arduino,zintechideas,diy,life hack,tag,tags,tagrfid,rfidtag,rfidtags,tag rc522,rc522,RC522,RFID,rfid,rfid-rc522,rfidrc522,Arduino UNO,breadboard,RfIDsensor RC522,LED,LCD16*2 character,Arduino RFID sensor,programming write tag rfid,read tag rfid,Simple programming write tag rfid,TAG RFID SENSOR,read and write rfid RC522,read,write,programming RFID sensor,RFID sensor and read tag rfid

Рекомендации по теме

The content was very useful and informative


Inspired by the video, helped me to produce the content. Thanks for the video. Very helpful


Very quick and informative, great code just a great job all around


This video was really helpful for me, thanks a lot♥


me salvavaste hermanoooo te lo agradesco tantoooo


hello, love ur video, which pin do u use?


Muito top, parabéns pelo o vídeo e a explicação. Seria possível instalar um leitor de cartão RFid e um relé 5v? Mas quero deixar o cartão no leitor RFid e o relé continuar ligado e quando retirar o cartão o relé desligar. A ideia seria para uma porta, quando eu deixar o cartão próximo ela ficar aberta e quando eu tirar ela trancar. Ou não seria possível? Tendei vários códigos mas nenhum deram certo já não sei o que tentar kkk


I was able to do my project thanks to you
