Rocky Marciano’s Secret Punch Explained by UFC legend

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In this video UFC knockout record holder teaches Rocky Marciano’s famous "Suzy Q" punch - which he used to knockout 43 men.

The US military even tested the force of the punch in the 1950’s - and determined it had the same force as an armor piercing bullet.

And in this video we learn the technique - including a few KEY details - from one of the best knockout artists of all time.

If you’d like to see a full length video teaching this punch, you may find one on my page here:


-My Website:


Рекомендации по теме

Matt Brown has a great story. From being a loser drug addict to being one of the most recognized welterweights in UFC. Good for him


Rocky Marciano also came up with the 200lb heavy bag and said if you could move that around just think how much damage you can do to the body of another fighter, he also trained holding his breath under water shadow boxing to make his muscles work on a lack of he was also not a heavy weight he weighed 195lbs but fought the heavyweight class.... what an AMAZING FIGHTER and person because he also helped Joe Louis financially.... love the story and hearing about Rocco👍😃👊


my favorite line from someone who fought him

joe louis - he may not of fought by the book but he hit me with a library tonight.


Archie Moore one of the all time greats, use to carry tapes of his fights everywhere he went to present to people but he always included his beat down by Marciano. George Foreman asked him once, why do you show yourself getting knocked out and Archie explained to him that Marciano hit so hard, his punches hurt so bad. He had never come across power like that and Archie had hundreds of fights


I was a drug addict for a long time, I was addicted to painkillers after being injured in the army, I continued to be prescribed these while I served in Iraq, Kuwait, and many other countries while I also battled post-traumatic stress disorder and many other mental illnesses caused by my time in service .I was never a loser addict like some people in the comments section have described Matt Brown. And I don't know Matt Brown at all, I just know of him, but not all addicts are losers, and not all sober people are winners. Sometimes people who are using just need a little bit of help, sometimes we need a lot of help sometimes we need a lot of patience. When I was using I had no idea what the doctors were giving me. And that is definitely my fault that I did not do my due diligence when I was prescribed these. And I take responsibility for that. Thats how ive been 13 years sober. He at some point took responsibility himself. That shows alot about him. Its not easy, it never is, it just gets less hard over time, but its always a fight. And sometimes if you have a support system they're fighting right along with you, sometimes fighting with you why you get your head straight. Sorry for this being so long, just try to have some love for one another. Try to empathize and put yourself in their shoes.


Rocky himself was insanely strong, and he used to train on a 200kg bag.
Even trying his technique, won't get you his power unless you train like him for years.


Rocky was so incredibly serious about his training. Very few people are as dedicated as him.


“Same force as an armor piercing bullet” 🤣


Mike Tyson learned this and literally did it the most dangerous way


Chuck lidel had that over hand punching technique spot on


I’ve never been a boxer- but I used to hit a heavy bag for exercise…I had an old man once tell me that I throw a Suzy Q punch as natural as he’d ever seen. I thought he was insulting me until he explained. What an interesting man…That guy knew more about boxing than I could ever hope to know. Thanks for the knowledge.


Very similar to the puching technique used by Isshinryu karate from Okinawa. The knee is over the balls of the feet and the fist is verticle. The punch is thrown with the breath exhaled and the hip and elbow moving at the same speed with the elbow down. The thumb is clenched on top of the fist to prevent the wrist bending on impact, allowing for a full power punch.


Brilliant video 📹 & thank you for sharing.
Also, a big 'Hello' 👋 from Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire, England. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


I learned this punch from my must Thai coach… he taught us to throw this instead of crosses.. once you get it down you can hear the impact when hitting pads from across the room.


so 1) don't extend the punching arm 2) use the body as part the punching moment and turn into the punch


Matt Brown looks damn good. Good to see that brother still training still techniquing. Good man✊✊


Thanks for showing a basic overhand matt.


He was also very stocky, and it looks like he was just the right height to keep his elbow in line horizontally. Those punches were devastating to say the least.


The elbow follows the fist for power, and this punch is mostly about the core and hip rotation. I would call it an inside hook, and the elbow follows the the fist path with a powerful hip turn.


RESPECT!! RIP RM, , Thx Matt B!! This Works for any height fighter too. Coach taught, trained me at 6' 4" 220.. I was 13-0, , 11 KO'S prior to orbital fracture, , and forced retirement. That short, tight, , off the back leg loaded punch, , is KILLER. Plus, , The scoot to the pocket, , is much easier than on the toes and getting to correct distance. It's all a great technique. RESPECT MATT!!
