Why are people homophobic? | What's Behind Prejudice? Episode 2 | BBC Ideas

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In the latest in our series about prejudice - and the underlying reasons behind it - we speak to LGBT activist Richard Beaven about some of the reasons behind homophobia. And he shares his own personal story of coming out as gay when he was almost 40.

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Saying you don't like someone because of their sexuality, is like saying you don't like someone eating a donut because you're on a diet.


I’m a 26-year-old gay man. My boyfriend and I were beaten up by four guys outside the mall one night. We were walking and holding hands, enjoying ourselves, minding our own business, and they approached us. They verbally bashed us with a bunch of homophobic slurs and then attacked. It was a bloody mess on our faces by the time they were done. I still have permanent jaw damage from it. That night changed everything - our sense of safety, our sense of freedom, expression, pride. Now we’re too afraid to hold hands in public as a result 😞 I know it’s 2022 but it’s still a dangerous world for us gays to live in…


I don't get homophobia, never did, and never will. All my life I've been told I'm selfish as though it was a bad thing. Personally, I think it's by far my greatest strength and positive quality. Why? Because rather than worry about or bother someone who is gay or lesbian I'm far too busy minding my own business. That's how I managed to save, invest, and retire early. Look after your own business, not everyone else's.

I've met many gays and lesbians in my life and got along with them just fine. Just down the street from me are 2 guys who are married, they seem like all right guys, so what's the problem? Last but not least, I was watching a Pride Parade, and a girl watching the parade had a T shirt that said on it: Some women like other women, get over it. My thoughts exactly.


Your sexual orientation doesn’t specifically make you a bad person or a good person it’s your personality people have to realise that


as a straight cis guy. i never understood why ppl are homophobic. i don’t get the hatred of something that is totally natural. we see homosexuality in nature. it’s rarer in nature yeah. but that’s simply because animals have less consciousness. so they rely more on an instinct just to breed for children instead of having emotions.
i just never understood why people are homophobic.
i’ve even been called gay or even the t slur a few times just cos of how i dress.


There's an elephant in the room that wasn't mentioned, but I'll mention it: most people ascribe to a set of beliefs that has a Sacred Book, and most versions of that Sacred Book say being gay is a crime worthy of death. And people are afraid to challenge that belief, and that book. That fear has to go away. (This applies to sexism too.)


tbh, some of these comments are extremely disappointing. i lived in such a perfect bubble believing that in the 21st century, ppl would be more accepting. ig that bubble was ought to burst.


Some of yall might come for me but Idgaf. Anyways, as a teen I have to say I get bullied not only at school but publicly too. However, what pisses me off are not the slurs or shit is just how people judge u only for YOUR sexuality.. half of the people who are homophobic don't give a fuck about ur personality. They don't even try to get to know u. We live In a society where being homophobic with ur homies is cool. No tf is not? Yall really think people want to be gay smh 💀


Based off my experiences, Heterosexual men who are attractive, get a lot of women attention and have something going on for himself, doesn't care if a man is gay or not. Straight men who are unattractive and nothing going on for himself are more homophobic.


People who are homophobic are insecure


Lily once said “Why do gay marriage bother you when it doesn’t affect you at all?”

And I completely agree with that like how does it affect homophobic people? Like it’s not like they are receiving bad luck or something


In 1993, I was 30 years old when I got pregnant but I was single, my co workers looked at me as if I were the most insignificant person in this world. I was independent, had a beautiful life and all my family supported me. But I had a hard time to make people outside understand how happy I was. People are people and the world was, is and is going to be the same no matter who you are. Changing inside is a significant step to make life better.


Everyone should think like that. Being yourself is something to be proud of. Please open your mind, nobody is abnormal, we are humans and as humans we must be free to be whoever we want.


Everyone at my school says its gay bad because its in the bible, but doesn't the bible also say to love and accept everyone? Homophobia is like racism, we're all humans just because someone likes something different doesn't mean they have a mental disorder.


21st century people be acting like they're in the 1900s judging people because of their sexualities and ethnics


*Love isn’t a gender.*
*it’s a feeling inside us all*


I wish that people just accepted everyone for who they are.


In my experience people who are perfectly comfortable with their own sexuality have no problem with anyone else's. Just saying.


Just asked my grandma what her opinion on the lgbtq+ community was... she said “I think they’re going to hell”

Welp, in that case... I’ll see you there, granny!


I’m not homophobic, i just don’t understand why people say that Homophobia is a good thing, or even say as far as saying it’s the best thing ever, unless they may joking or make dark humour jokes
