27 Things Mechanics Don't Want You To Know

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The majority of us depend on our cars on a daily basis, so we need them to be in tip top shape so that we don’t have issues on the road. When our wheels are broken, it can be rather stressful, particularly if you don’t know much about cars. We’re by no means saying that every mechanic withholds things from you, but there are a few that do and today we have a look at points that you should definitely be vigilant about. It could save you tons of cash, time and stress.
27 - Scared you…
Unfortunately, some mechanics like to scare you senseless and you feel like you need to leave your car with them for your own safety and for others sharing the road with you. Take a step back from the situation and remember that mechanics get paid for every little thing they do on your vehicle, so if they’re using scare tactics – find another mechanic.

26 - Gravy on the side...
Many mechanics claim to use special code names for more questionable repair practises. One, let’s call him Joe, said that the words “gravy work” referred to billing a customer for more hours than the job actually took. The average time you will be billed for is 1.5 to 2-hours, whereas most of the jobs would have taken a maximum of 30-minutes.

25 - It can wait till Monday…
No, seriously! Never book your car in for a service on a Friday because the guys working on your car are also eager to get their weekend started, so they tend to rush the job. Who knows what crucial elements they could have missed out due to being in a hurry. Rather bring your car in on a Monday where they will focus a little more with the problems at hand.

24 - Follow the instructions…
To carry on with our earlier point, there is actually a labour guide that will give you an idea of how long each job should take. Of course, there can be the odd situation where things don’t go according to plan, but on a whole, this guide will be something useful to have.

23 - Flush it out…
The fact that you’re told that you have to have coolant flushes and power steering flushes are all just gimmicks to try and get you to spend more money! Read your cars owner’s manual and see what they recommend. Most cars have fluid that can last 100,000 miles!

22 - A costly affair…
We know that car parts can be really expensive, but there are times that if you shop around, you can get the same part at a much more affordable rate. Many garages earn a percentage of the parts they sell, so they up their prices in order to make more money. If you do find cheaper products elsewhere, ensure they’re from a reputable seller and that your garage will install them for you.

21 - Check the qualifications…
Being a mechanic is a great way to earn a steady income and many people just do it on the side because they ‘know” cars. Always check that your mechanic has the right qualifications to complete the job, otherwise it will end up costing you so much more down the line. Mechanics in the USA should have a National Institute for Automotive Association Service Excellence Certification or American Automobile Association Certification, and there should be something similar in your country too. Just double check before leaving your car anywhere.
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I've worked in the service industry my whole adult life, I promise you about 85-90% of this video is BS. Most mechanics I know want to get jobs done and move onto the next job, not nitpick your car to add more to your bill. They also are pretty concerned about getting the job done as affordable as possible. This video really makes mechanics seem like bloodsucking A-holes and in most cases, it's not true. The only place I would avoid is any and all quick oil change operation, they do try to add to your bill and perform a lot of sub-standard service.


This guy knows nothing, probably never had a wrench in his hands.


Im a master automotive technician and i have always been completely honest with my customers. An we have very loyal customers who put alot of trust in me and that kind of trust has to be earned.


I'll let you guess when my auto repair shop opened, hint: the labor rate was $3/hr. My employees were told, "If you ever sell a customer anything not needed, you will be terminated". There is an abundance of legitimate need for repairs! Hired a great bunch of people, all who are still living are good friends.


I'm a 20+ year mechanic. I've never worked at a business that took advantage of people. We have plenty of work and do not need or want to take advantage of people. I'm sure there is that small percentage of shops that do horrible things to people, but that not always the case. I have to fight this stigma, that we are bloodsuckers everyday.
For instance I had a job come in where the customer noticed the alternator wasn't charging and he was having trouble starting the truck. He already had his mind made up it needed a starter and alternator. I could have sold him both items and he wouldn't have paid for the repair and been perfectly happy. I found the positive post was loose on the starter. Cleaned and tightened the post and everything was working properly. Didn't have to charge him anything in parts. Most shops are honest and will strive to do the best job they can every time.


#16: Check engine light comes on. Make sure your gas cap is tight, while the video points to an oil cap. This guy really knows his stuff!


I took my car to our local garage and was quoted a price of £230 by TDL Motors to replace my timing chain and water pump they told me that it would take three hours i got a phone from them telling me the job had only taken 2.5 hours so they reduced the bill by around £20 I have never heard of a garage doing this before.


Flagged bc you know nothing about this topic


Well as a mechanic for 11 years I have two things to say:

1. YOU NEED TO ROTATE YOUR DAMN TIRES! Failing to do a tire rotation will cause the front tires to go bald, and on some vehicles, the rear tires to get cupped. Your front tires are likely not only your steering tires, but your drive tires too. All the back tires do is trail, so the back tires need some of the gripping and steering wear. This logic applies only to front wheel drive cars.

2. There is only one circumstance in which we can keep your keys, and that is if you have an outstanding bill on your car. I go to work to keep food on the table, so we cant let any car go until the bill is paid.


As a "mechanic", I have to say though this can happen, in my 27 years of working on and repairing cars, it's seldom an issue. It's amazing what some people are doing now to get likes and followers on sites like youtube. Rule number one, find a good shop/technician and STAY with them, they will have records on your vehicle and can tell you what was done and what needs to be addressed later.


I’m a mechanic and I want everyone to listen to this guy! He knows his shit! I want everyone to drive 100, 000 miles without changing the engine oil!


As a mechanic best time to bring in your car is Monday to Wednesday Thursday were all pissed off Friday we wanna get home😂


4:40 Glad you're not my mechanic. That isn't a gas cap dude.


This video is like 20% true, I work on my own cars so I know what mechanics try to bs people on or yourself, most are honest and the best way to not get screwed over is to know the basics of car maintenance at the least :D trust me it's worth learning some basic matienence and repair info.


My god, either this is a whole new level of satire, or people actually believe this.


Back in 1990, I went to a Meineke in Chandler Az. because there was some play in my steering. They told me it needed bearings and quoted me some crazy price. I told them I could not afford that. They then told me they could not legally let me take the car. I told them to either give me my keys or call the police. They gave me the keys. I took it home, put up on a jack and found it was worn tie rod. It cost me something like $18 bucks to fix. That was the beginning of doing all my own work.


I had a mechanic tell me that I needed to replace all the rubber in my break system because someone had gotten power steering fluid in my master slender (I had just replaced the high pressure hose on my power steering) he showed me the seal that he had dipped in power steering fluid, I told him to give me my car and never went back! This was a name brand shop too


If you are not a complete idiot you can do most of the maintenance yourself. I use a good car maintenance management program on my computer that keeps track of everything and reminds you when anything is due to be checked or serviced. It also tracks parts, fuel mileage and performance. When I do my own maintenance I know it was done right!


Please don’t criticize all of them, I do know a few decent, honest ones and they have saved my life more than 2 times and I’m grateful to them because my family and me are still alive and we are faithful customers of theirs 🙂🙂😃


I feel like I've wasted my time watching this regurgitated nonsense.
