The Moving Patellar Apprehension Test for Patellar Instability

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In this video I demonstrate my adaptation of the Moving Patellar Apprehension Test for patellar instability after a suspected lateral patellar dislocation event.
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As someone that has had multiple lateral dislocations of both knees, I can tell you this video was extremely hard to watch. I am 53 yrs old and 1st dislocation was at age 9 and by 13 I had dislocated my (L) knee 4 more time before I had surgery to release the tendon to keep from having this happen again. I was fine until age 17 when it happened again. With every dislocation I've had to go to the ER and have it put back in place, I was never lucky enough for it to go back on its own. This video brought back terrible anxiety and I was squirming the entire time.


Is there a loss of diagnostic value for testing for lateral instability first and skipping the medial aspect if lateral is positive? I'm unsure which is more likely to occur. Also, why isn't there a nod to the recent Mardi Gras celebrations by giving us a little trumpet solo?
