Weston association wants electric pick up truck gone

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A Weston Hills Country Club homeowner has been put on notice and told to park his new $100,000 pickup truck in a garage, out of sight, or face fines.
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Rule number 1, don't ever buy a house that is controlled by an HOA


This just made me so happy to hear the story of an H.O.A. having to reimburse a person for their attorney fees. Keep up the happy stories in these tough times. People need it.


I think "no overnight pickup outside rule" was there to keep out certain working class people away from the neighborhood.


Back in 2017, HOA tried to seize my 1975 Lamborghini Countach and 2003 Ferrari F430 because "It reduced everyone's house value". When I didn't let them take it they put a boot on both my cars, I cut it off (they scratched the rims on both my cars putting on the boot) and they tried to sue me for it. and lost the case I sued them back for about 1.8 for Emotional damage, trespassing, and Vandalism. 4 of the HOA board members were forced to sell their houses to pay me. when I won I threw a massive street party and HOA didn't say a word to me.


Imagine paying hundreds of thousands for a house, PLUS extra HOA fees for the privilege of being told what you can and can't do with your home.


You know you are living around the wrong types of people where a work truck is considered a bad thing


Technically, SUVs are classified as trucks. I wonder how many residents have Range Rovers or Tahoes sitting in their driveways.


There is a retired guy who has a bench in his yard that he sits on every day to look at nature, and of course, the HOA wanted the bench removed because it was an eye sore to them.


I love the heart warming story of an H.O.A. having to pay $40k. I plan on telling this as a bed time story for years to come.


Never buy into an HOA. These associations pose too much risk against individuals they don't like and their members are often Karens intoxicated with power who can do much harm if challenged.


I'm glad I inherited my house from my dad before the HOA formed. An HOA was forming in my neighborhood, and because I was not apart of it when it formed, I can not be forced to join. Every single one of their rules I break on purpose because they can't do a thing about it. I'm considering painting my house just to give them a middle finger. It's fully paid off so I have the money to spare.


"It may hurt our property value." 😂😂😂 $100k truck is an eye sore? 😂


As a police officer and sheriff's deputy I got calls from HOA's to enforce their "rules" I would tell the HOA "Enforcer" that I had no authority or interest in enforcing their rules. Some of them would get really mad at me for not towing a car or telling a homeowner to close their garage door and would call internal affairs to complain. I would never live within any type of HOA or have a home with ridiculous deed restrictions (check your purchase paperwork a lot of homes have deed restrictions that can be enforced by neighbors) The concept was OK I guess in the beginning but the people on Saturday morning walking around with a clipboard and looking in my trash is not acceptable to me.


I love how you can’t park in your own driveway but you can park in the street.


I worked for a water department one of the HOAs we served told us we couldn't drive our trucks into their area. The department head told them okay we will just shut off the water to your area if something happens. They were happy with that for about a month. Then they had a water main break so we shut off the water to the 180 homes in the HOA After about 12 hours the changed their rules allowing trucks to travel their roads so we fixed it.


As a Building Inspector in South Florida for 37 years, I was called by a roofing contractor re: a 4:12 slope cement re-roof problem. The house was only 14 years old, and I was the original inspector. The workers were picking up the undamaged tiles by hand. The HOA behind closed doors required all roofs to be pressure cleaned twice a year, using bleach with the water. Resulting in the nails rusting off at the mopped slate underlayment, and the only thing holding the tiles in place was gravity. After the lawsuit, four of the six board members had to sell their homes to pay for 15 other houses with the same issue. Those HOA Boards can be dangerous and costly!!


You know you're in an HOA rooted in owners that have been there since the 70's when they don't realize that pick ups are now luxury vehicles.


Back a few years ago I lived in a very small development of upscale homes. I owned a 4x4 Quad cab with an 8ft bed that was not a commercial vehicle and kept spotless. Shortly after moving in I got a notice from the President of the HOA that I would have to find somewhere else to park it because all vehicles had to be inside the garage at night. My truck wouldn't fit into the garage and they thought they had me. After being warned several times I showed up at the next homeowner's meeting. Since all of us only had a two car garage and many owners had at least 3, I told them when all owners stuffed their vehicles into their garage at night, I'd make other arrangements for mine. That was the end of the threats. HOA's decide to pick and choose what rules they want to apply so they better be ready to apply them all when they come after someone else.


The funny thing is, some electricians and plumbers make 6 figures so they are far from poor. I’m an electrician myself and we’re appreciated yet never respected despite the fact that the entire society would collapse without us.


HOA’s are just a way for an elite few homeowners to lord over the other residents like serfs.
