Labour MP absolutely terrorises Royal Mail bosses over worker conditions at Select Committee

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Do whatever you want in life, but never ever get on the wrong side of Darren Jones.

The Labour MP grilled Royal Mail execs at the BEIS Select Committee on 22 February.

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I am a postie, serving since November 2016... we have ABSOLUTELY been told to prioritise everything EXCEPT letters. Simon Thompson damn well knows this is the case and the pathetic snake tries to wrangle his way out of answering the question. Since March 2020 we were told to NOT DELIVER letters and instead only focus on TRACKED or SPECIAL DELIVERY ITEMS - this was often due to low staff numbers and sickness, but even when we did have a full quota of staff Royal Mail bosses refused to pay us the necessary overtime in order to fulfil our service obligations. It is NOT our fault we are overwhelmed and cannot cope with the workloads. Royal Mail bosses track us with the PDAs (handheld computers that measure our delivery speeds etc) and they brought the PDA in to try and prove what they believed - that we sit around twiddling our thumbs drinking tea. The PDAs have proven the exact opposite, that our deliveries are too big and that we are running around like blue ass flies to try and complete our deliveries. It is a daily battle for us to convince managers that the ONLY way we would clear our deliveries is often with overtime being paid. The reason we were unable to deliver letters is because Royal Mail bosses and the executive board have not given us sufficient staff numbers to cope with the oversized delivery routes, they have repeatedly treated us like crap whilst lining their own pockets and paying out millions to shareholders. Our van fleet is an absolute disgrace with the majority of our vehicles barely road worthy. Darren, thank you for exposing this rat for exactly what he is. For me it's not good enough though, Simon Thompson should be in jail. Literally a con-artist


So much admiration for Darren Jones MP. If our political class was of this level of professionalism, intelligence and integrity, our country would not be in the financial and social doom loop we are now suffering.


Absolutely brilliant questioning by Darren Jones: great candidate for PM!


Holy crap a politician standing up to business interests for workers interests, unheard of nowadays.


If there was a TV series of Darren Jones holding people to account, I'd watch every episode.


It breaks my heart to hear how our loyal posties are being treated by these thugs.


Simon Thomson £450, 000 salary £140, 000 bonus, sits there smirking and refusing to answer questions because he know there will be no consequences. No wonder the country is sliding down the shitter.


Well here's something I never thought I would say, a politician who is sharp, polite and concise. I wish so much there there were more like Darren Jones, much respect to the man


I find this quite alarming actually. I stopped my postie on Christmas Eve to give him his £10 Christmas money
as is customary and as many RM customers do I'm sure. We spoke for about 3 minutes. Wished him and his family well for the Christmas season.
I hate the idea that he would get into trouble for simply being courteous to a customer.


He’s superb. Cuts through waffling answers. He’s exactly what we members of the public want from MP’s holding other MP’s or people in power to account.


We need more people like Darren jones.


It's great to see an MP making these people answer his questions 👏


I've got nothing but respect and admiration for Darren Jones and how he takes absolutely no prisoners and holds everyone to account. He has a bright future!


I’ve never heard of this MP but I’m going to follow him from now on. How refreshing to hear someone straightforward and no BS


Worst thing that happened. Privatisation of post office and rail.


A man that knows how to hold criminals accountable.


The world is in dire need of people with integrity.


God they’re squirming. I’ve had many letters come through the post for our residents, three days after their appointments we’re actually due. They then get penalised for not turning up for the appointment. It absolutely happens. Postmasters committed suicide over this. These people are disgusting.


I work for Royal Mail and seeing Simon Thompson being humiliated was very enjoyable.


one of the best and most direct enquiries i have ever seen. No bull or bluster tolerated here. Darren Jones performed a masterclass and deftly scorched most of the management with his abundantly clear and concise language
