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A girl with a disability went to a restaurant to celebrate her birthday. The table was already decorated and everything was ready when the manager showed up and said that the celebrations couldn't take place. Was the girl able to celebrate her birthday in the end?

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Wow...i adore this waiter..he's so smart & full of kindness.what a good actor u got.he played very well!


people who ruins a kids birthday party is not human


Awesome story being in a wheelchair now as an adult unfortunately the discrimination does not go away. I wish everyone would think like this gentleman! GREAT STORY


Life as a disabled person needs love, sympathy, respect, and compassion. No matter what you are, whether you're PWD (Person with Disability), deaf, blind, or handicapped. We need to be compassionate to make what it deserves.


Why do some people have a discrimination against disabled people? They are humans too …


The first time I saw discrimination against someone differently abled I was in 5th grade, she could barely see and a bad stammer and the pupils and teachers were mean. I went home and cried, dad found out what happened and he followed me to school in his army uniform and shouted at the headteacher. He did not even know this kid. Told me it's my responsibility to stand up to bullies. The teachers and pupils never messed with her again, she was my friend for a year before I moved schools


I am literally crying now because of happiness.
The birthday girl's last dialogue made my heart melt.
The sincerity of the waiter.
The best story l have ever seen on dramatizeme ❤❤


What a precious child. The waiter being her advocate, even at the cost of his job was epic. Garry and Team DramatizeMe, thank you for putting out another stellar video. Best YouTube channels Team DramatizeMe and LoveBuster!


As a person with a learning disability, I find the manager's behavior disgusting and uncalled for. That is just a little girl and I want to shed a tear at the end. I am glad that little girl got the birthday party she deserved and she had a smile on her face. Garry, once again, thank you for another great video. DramatizeMe, good job and keep up the good work!


4:43 Hats off and respect to this waiter. We need waiters & waitresses like this guy here in the U.S. 🇺🇸


Sadly as it is. There are people who descriminates people with disabilities. I was born with disabilities too and I've been facing criticisms since childhood up until now. It is true indeed that those criticisms made me the person that I am today, I also learn to forgive those people but I will never forget their criticisms.


I'm so proud of that waiter for going above and beyond for that little girl Alex so she could have the best birthday ever. He showed true Gryffindor courage in standing up to his boss even it means losing his job.

I'm so glad that restaurant manager was fired after the way he treated that little girl. I'll tell you what, I hope that the waiter gets a promotion for his amazing customer service and for his general compassion and humanity. I also hope that Alex made a few new friends in the waiters son and his friends. They certainly have a love of Harry Potter in common.


No matter anyone’s disability everyone needs to be treated with love respect and kindness


Discrimination against people bcoz of their race or color is bad enough, but discrimination against people bcoz of their disability is even way out of line. Glad the waiter went the extra mile and stood up to the manager. Not many possess that kind of courage.


Being someone with epilepsy, I found the manager's customer service skills very uncalled for! Even though the little girl was in a wheelchair, she deserved to be treated like any other human being! Bravo to the waiter for risking everything so the little girl could celebrate her birthday the way she always hoped to.


There's nothing bigger than spreading Happiness, Love & Empathy to the world..Love from India forever Dramatizeme ❤️


Can we also point out how supportive the waiter's family was? They came along to help and support as well! That has to mean something too! Truly heartwarming there. Thank you for this! I needed this alot.


For a guy like me to shed a tear from this video is alot to say.This video has so many meanings of how life treats us.And whats sad is that you do get people that are careless, people who care enough to sacrifice and give everything to help others, and then you get people like the poor girl who tries to live life to thee most positive way and are still stuck in the middle between good and evil.This video gives me more courage to help those in need like the little girl.Thank you.


People are people regardless of age, sex, gender, race, cultural or ethnic identity, or abilities. Please always put the person first…example: A person who uses a wheelchair; a person with a visual or hearing impairment; a person with cerebral palsy etc…a person’s “disability” does not define them.

The little girl in the video was beyond precious….such a good actress. I hope she will be in more of your videos.


Everyone must respect kids and let them enjoy their special day without ruining it and their just kids and they enjoy their special day.
