Why the Eucharist is NOT biblical! #god #catholic #religion #christian #jesus #eucharist

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The tradition of the Eucharist is thousands of years old. I trust the church fathers more than a Protestant kid


In times like these, I offer that we should be building each other up. Calling out the Catholic Eucharist on a public forum (YouTube) is like calling out your brother for the way he chooses to decorate his home. No more arguing and bickering amongst family- there is nothing new to be added to these arguments. What can be new, is uniting and realizing Christ’s high priestly prayer. The world needs us. Let’s unite, and connect, and encourage and celebrate what is true and common among us- that we are sons and daughters of the most high, together eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Lord. Shalom


What about John 6? What I find interesting about it is that the Eucharist is the fulfillment on the mana that rained from heaven for 40 days in exodus. Jesus said that unless you eat of his flesh and drink of his blood you do not have eternal life. Then in John 6 it continues saying that many found it a tough teaching and left him. But his disciples stayed. I do agree that Jesus said it is finished. We were redeemed! But the Eucharist is a Catholic’s spiritual food for the journey! What a great gift! Your argument is also kind of flawed because if we are redeemed and it is finished as Jesus says why repent at all? Because you say the Eucharist offers forgiveness for sins (which it does) but it also offers us more! Please give this a deeper dive!


Seeing bread 🥖 and wine 🍷 but recognizing it’s actually the body, blood 🩸, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ is a supernatural faith. As Jesus told Thomas: Blessed are those who do not see, yet believe.


This is the spiritual equivalent of, "well the first time wasn't good enough so we need to do it again every day!"


Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:29: “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.” Question, why would there be judgement on anyone IF IT’s ONLY A SYMBOL⁉️


In a non bloodied manner is the key phrase there, Christ is not re-cruxified or re-sacrificed Christ died once and for all for the forgiveness of sins. I understand it is a difficult teaching I thought so too but it is biblically backed Jesus Christ himself says “This is my body given up for you” you may point out that he says “do this in remembrance of me”. But those two lines are not contradictory if I attend your birthday party in memory and celebration of your birth that does not mean you are not at the party. John chapter 6 tells us that after Christ says “whoever does not eat the flesh of the son of man has no life within you” and “my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink” it tells us that not only the crowd left but many of His disciples as well. Why would Jesus Christ allows thousands of His followers that walked away at this teaching to leave Him if He was only y speaking in a metaphor. This teaching traces all the way back to the first century teachings of St ignatious of Antioch was a disciple and good friend of John the apostle and he says “"They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they Like confess not the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ. which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again. Those, therefore, who speak against this gift of God incur death in the midst of their disputes.” Chapter 7 of his epistle to the smyrnaeans. This was also the teaching from 33AD when Christ instituted the Eucharist all the way to the 16th century when Martin Luther rejected the teaching. I hope that one day you can also see the beauty of the Eucharist as well. God bless, I would like to talk to anyone more about this if you have questions. I pray you see this.


There are five mysteries to meditate on Eucharistic devotion. 1. the wedding feast at Cana (Jesus changes water 💦 into wine 🍷(John2:1-12) 2. multiplication of loaves and fishes (John 6:1-15). 3. the teaching on the bread of life (John 6:22-71). 4. the last supper (John 14:1-1726). 5. the road to Emmaus (John 24:13-35). If you believe Jesus did those miracles, then why don’t you believe he does the greatest miracle of all? Rev. Robert Stein wrote A Scriptural Rosary for Eucharistic Devotion.


“This is my body and my blood, do THIS IN REMEMBRANCE of me”. You are not following scripture if you refuse to take communion in REMEMBRANCE OF CHRIST.


Bro really thought he did something 😂😂😂😂😂😂 read John 6 where disciples left Christ because of how hard the teaching of the Eucharist was, where he says that his flesh is “true food” and his blood “true drink.” He also says in John 6 that whoever does not eat his flesh and drink his blood “has no life in him.” This obviously wasn’t symbolic or else so many people wouldn’t have left 🤦🏻‍♂️ also in 1 Corinthians 11 people were dying and getting sick because of their disrespect for the Eucharist. Soooo yeah, sorry buddy but you are wrong there.


Do you think 🤔 that when Jesus Christ taught us to pray 🙏🏽 and inserted “give us this day our daily bread 🥖”, He was referring to normal food❓ No! He was referring to the Eucharist‼️ The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains: The usual Greek word for “daily, ” hemera, is, after all, used elsewhere in the New Testament, but not in this instance. Why did St. Matthew and St. Luke feel compelled to create a new Greek word to accurately reflect the words of Jesus? They most likely had to use a new word to faithfully translate a novel idea or a unique Aramaic word that Jesus used in His prayer. What was Jesus’ new idea? Although there are multiple levels of meanings to epiousios, Jesus is making a clear allusion to the Eucharist. “Our daily bread” is one translation of a word that goes far above our basic needs for sustenance, and invokes our supernatural needs.
St. Jerome translated the Bible in the 4th century from the original Latin, Hebrew and Greek texts to form the Latin Vulgate Bible. When it came to the mysterious word epiousios, St. Jerome hedged his bets. In Luke 11:3, St. Jerome translated epiousios as “daily.” Yet, in Matthew 6:11, he translated epiousios as “supersubstantial.” The root words are: epi, meaning “above” or “super;” and ousia, meaning “being, ” “essence, ” or “substance.” When they are read together, we come to the possible translations of “super-substantial, ” “above-essence, ” or, in effect, “supernatural” bread. This translation as supersubstantial is still found today in the Douay-Rheims Bible. Taken literally, our supersubstantial bread is the Eucharist. (CCC 2837)


Why do you think John the Baptist called Jesus the “lamb of God” (John 1:29 & 1:36)? Jesus is the pascal lamb 🐑 to be sacrificed. The Passover tradition started when Moses and the Israelites sacrificed an unblemished lamb 🐑 . In order to have the angel of death 💀 to Passover them, THEY HAD TO EAT THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB 🐑 (Exodus 12:8). This coincides with what the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:29: “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.”


Catechism 1366 three words "it is memorial"

This might be the worst refutation ever. Paragraph 1367 even say one single sacrifice 😅


The word of God (scripture - Luke 24:27) cannot be accurately interpreted without the Word of God (Jesus Christ-John 1:1). Scripture 📖 is something that Satan and deceivers use (Matthew 4:5; Galatians 1:6-8), that is veiled (2 Corinthians 4:3), and that people deceive themselves into believing that it offers “eternal life” (John 5:39). The paradox of what Jesus said, that we do not “live by bread 🥖alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4); we must remember that the WORD BECAME FLESH (John 1:14). It is this “flesh” (John 6:55) through which the “bread 🥖of life” (John 6:48) reveals the Scriptures veiled meaning (2 Corinthians 3:14 & Luke 24:35) to His Church (1 Timothy 3:15). Jesus Christ gave us his Sacred Heart ❣️ (2 Corinthians 3:3) to reveal these secret truths to us. The Word of God = the bread 🥖 of life (aka EUCHARIST) = the Sacred Heart ❣️of Jesus = the light 💡 of truth.


So, what, in your opinion, does the word "it" in Jesus' statement "it is finished, " mean?

Please give Scriptural references to support your answer.


I wonder if anyone has had their stomach pumped and the DNA checked after receiving communion? That should end the debate.

No one church or individual is getting it perfectly right. And there is no formula to make it into heaven.

That's the whole point of needing Jesus as our Savior.


Wrong. Sacrifice on the cross is never repeated. The grace of the event is brought here and now by real presence of Christ.


I believe its a symbol if im wrong im wrong, not like you need it for salvation


No need to use carnal ordinances if you know jesus. You are complete in him the head.


God tells us not to drink blood it is a no no
