The Fall of The Spanish Empire - Full Documentary

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In this video, we discuss Spanish history from the death of Carlos III onward, looking at the collapse of the Spanish Empire.

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The following music performed by Kevin Macleod Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G, Movement I (Allegro), BWV 1049 [orig. by JS Bach]
The Pyre
Evil March
Lost Frontier
Majestic Hills
End of the Era

These songs provided by the YouTube audio library
Drunken Sailor
Buccaneer’s March
Spanish Rose
Pink Flamenco
When Johnny Comes Marching Home

Souces and further reading:

[1] Payne, Stanley G. "A History of Spain and Portugal." Vol.2, University of Wisconsin Press, 1973.

[2] Herr, Richard. "An Historical Essay on Modern Spain." University of California Press, 1974.

[4] "History of Spain." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.

Map sources:

[6] Ollie Bye. "The Peninsular War: Every Day." YouTube, 16 Aug, 2019.

Picture attributions:

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For some reason I can't understand there's a severe lack of Spanish History content on YouTube, so thank you for this! And the XIX century, such an incredibly difficult and confusing century to explain so well!


I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.

Charles V


Just right when i start learning about the Spanish Empire, Fire of Learning drops a video talking about the fall of the Spanish Empire


Thank you for your hard work and all the quality in-depth analysis on your channel!


As a spaniard from Lisbon I appreciate this video. People overlook the Spanish Empire a lot.


Excellent, clear and unbiased content about this topic, which is hard to find on Youtube. Congratulations!


The history of Spain is amazing, unique, and very fascinating. I do think you could have included a little more of the events going on in Spanish America. The history surrounding the independence of continental Spanish America is very extense and interesting as well. It is part of the history of Spain after all. One fact that could be of interest was the Plan in New Spain to bring Fernando VII to the continent or even his brother or another member of a royal house of Europe but the authoritarian nature of Fernando prevented this from happening and that is why Agustin Iturbide of Agustin I became emperor.


This is as close to perfection as I have seen with fall of the Spanish empire


0:00 Introduction
1:54 Thanks to the Patreon Patrons
2:12 1788 - Charles IV
2:51 1789 - The French Revolution
5:08 1799 - Spain returns ownership of The Louisiana Territory to France.
5:35 1801 - The War of The Origins.
7:54 1805 - Unchallenged British Naval Supremacy.
9:00 1807 - French Occupation of Spain.
10:18 1808 Peninsular War, The War of Spanish Independence from France.
11:48 Guerilla Warfare is coined as a term during The Peninsular War.
12:41 The Cortez of Cadiz. 1812 - Liberal Constitution of Spain.

14:53 The French Revolution influenced The Mexican Revolution.
16:55 1833 - Spain recognizes Latin America as Independent.
17:53 1820 Spanish Military Mutiny Revolt.
20:03 Chaos and Civil War
20:33 Spain became a Lagging Power, less developed, weaker, than the other European Powers such as Great Britain, France, etc.
24:18 1843 - Isabella II and The Moderate Decade.
+ Expansion of Infrastructure + Small Economic Recovery
- La Gloriosa Revolution
26:20 Amadeo I
- Inexperienced
26:46 1872 - The Third Carlist War/Uprising.
27:20 1868 - Cuban Uprising.
27:55 1873 - The First Spanish Republic.
28:10 1874 - The Bourbon Restoration. "The Peacemaker"
28:57 The Berlin Conference adds Western Sahara to Spanish ownership.
29:36 Economic Slow-Down. Regionalism.
30:00 1895 Cuba Revolution
30:10 1896 Philippino Revolution
31:06 February 1898 - Spanish American War. America Crushes Spain in Cuba.
- Philippines - Guam - Puerto Rico transferred over to America.
32:30 1914 - Spain chooses Neutrality in World War I. Their Neutrality is respected by the other European Powers.
33:00 The Disaster of Aunjou
33:41 1923 - Coup.
34:03 The 2nd Spanish Republic
34:10 1936 Spanish Civil War.


Fire of Learning is BACK, and with one of my biggest passion areas! I can't wait to visit Spain one day, want to bring my Spanish back, and admire this culture and people so much! Quite literally the doc I've been waiting for.


In a HUGE coincidence, I stumbled into the first two videos of this series on both my travel to and first day stay in Madrid! Can’t wait to watch this one tomorrow :)


Thank you for yet another fine video. It seems to me, as a general rule of thumb, that where reason is lost, turmoil prevails.


I missed your long videos about civilisations. Keep em up! Love it


The Spanish civil war is so interesting please continue this incredible


Fun fact: The phrase Guerilla Warfare comes from the Spanish word Guerrilla which means small war. It was the tactic of dividing large military formations into smaller groups which would use surprise and stealth to attack supply lines and raid French formations from unexpected sides. Spaniards have been successfully using "Guerilla" in their mountainous terrain since they were invaded by Rome 2000 years earlier.


I'd love to see a detailed breakdown on the Spanish Civil war!


Very well made doc. Great sound effects and in the right moment which makes a great doc. Thanks for making it. 👍


Thank you for this video. The unbiased and bold telling of how events unfolded and the art make your videos a joy to watch.


Now, every time I have an idea, that sound with the Fire of Learning logo is what comes to my mind first.


That quote in the beginning of the video fits Charles II more than anyone, great video by the way.
