We Finally Know More About Harvest Moon Home Sweet Home!

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In this video, I discuss the latest information released by Natsume about their next game: Harvest Moon Home Sweet Home!

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00:00 Introduction
00:15 Platforms
02:40 Graphics
03:58 Gameplay
05:50 Conclusion

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I mean, to be fair, since the split, Natsume has reused *a lot* of the same assets and characters throughout their past titles


I still have a hard time with the ultra cheap looking art


I didn't expect myself to say this but ever since Winds of Anthos Natsume seems to be getting better at this


Every time Natsume's tried to make a Harvest Moon game I've said "maybe this time they'll get it right" and they haven't yet, so I'm not going to say that this time, BUT this one looks like it could be alright (on the other hand, not seeing much in the way of what the gameplay and characters have to offer yet, and it doesn't matter how comparatively nice the game looks if those things are still lacking)


My GBA or 3DS (and occasionally my Switch) still goes wherever I do so I don't play games on my phone, but I hope this is good for the sake of people who do. Natsume could really use a few more W's with their HM games.


I like wind of anthos but what I really want is the Npcs to feel more alive not just sitting there doing nothing, also the dialogues are kinda meh, anyways as a fan of this kind of games I keep buying them to support the team so maybe we can see an improvement later on


I'm glad Natsume is getting less crap but they've had like 7 chances and are only know getting better as of the last game. I think I have up on them by the last 3DS game. On the other hand, Marvelous are getting dangerously close to shovelware as well. Olive Town was very mixed for me as well. It didn't feel like it upgraded enough from the 3DS days, some things were worst. But then their remakes weren't all bad, not worst than the originals anyways. I just want a 3D farming game that doesn't suck. Indie developers might actually seriously start to rival them now. They need to both watch out.


I am kind of excited to see a farming game on mobile. I just hope that it won't disappoint.


Wow, this actually looks pretty decent. I might check it out!


Nice to see what was once a clear cash in putting in some genuine effort even if it's not really on par with Story of Seasons games or Stardew Valley. I just love cozy farming games and want them to be fun ya know.


I'm pretty excited for this one. The reused assets doesn't bother me, because it's still a clear upgrade in the world's art. As you said, the water and environment feel overall more full and less "flat". Plus anything is better compared to their 3DS games that was the exact same environment, town.

Overall it looks great so far and I can't wait for a trailer or another press-release/influencer demo again.


I’m actually pretty excited about this.


Thanks for the video! I’ll probably check it out but frankly Harvest Moon has disappointed me for a long time now so I’m not too hopeful


I going to wait for a Steam port if they decide that is possible. For me, playing on a mobile is difficult with a smaller screen, but I still buy it to try it.


I’m going to get it. I feel like Natsume is trying to get a feel for what players want with each new release, I can see the improvements throughout their time of releasing their own games since the “breakup”. Winds 0f Anthos is a HUGE improvement from their first HM release, each game is one step closer to what players may want and expect.


I was judging Natsume super hard after playing Skytree Village and One World, but they’ve been improving steadily with each release. Winds of Anthos looked great and this does too! The story for Home Sweet Home also seems interesting. I’m also glad that this seems to be a one time payment with no microtransactions.


I'm really looking forward to this game!


Ah I had no idea they announced this. It looks pretty good! I do enjoy Seeds of Memories as a little time waster, but yes they hadn’t been putting much effort on their mobile games until now, this one looks super promising.


I'm excited but I want a feature packed game with controller support I'm tired of lesser mobile games def don't want a simple game...


Honestly it looked pretty good, the map doesn't feels as empty as Anthos because obviously it's smaller. If only they changed the character artstyle, it's not like they are ugly but they looks off to me, like they all had the same face
