Plot Numbers on the Complex Plane
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This video introduces the idea of plotting complex numbers as points on the complex plane.
The complex plane has two perpendicular axis, like the cartesian plane or the standard x-y plane. The horizontal axis of the complex plane is the real axis, which has the normal or real numbers at different tick marks. The vertical axis is slightly more complicated and referred to as the imaginary axis. The tick marks go up or down in multiples of the imaginary unit, i.
To plot a number on the complex plane, first find it's real part and go left or right to that value, then find its imaginary part and go up or down to that value. Every complex number can be plotted as a point on the complex plane.
The complex plane has two perpendicular axis, like the cartesian plane or the standard x-y plane. The horizontal axis of the complex plane is the real axis, which has the normal or real numbers at different tick marks. The vertical axis is slightly more complicated and referred to as the imaginary axis. The tick marks go up or down in multiples of the imaginary unit, i.
To plot a number on the complex plane, first find it's real part and go left or right to that value, then find its imaginary part and go up or down to that value. Every complex number can be plotted as a point on the complex plane.
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