Star Wars Novel FINALLY Confirms Who Snoke Is and FULL ORIGINS

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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"Star Wars finally confirms" sounds a lot better than "Disney finally came up with enough contrived lore to justify the previous cluster fuck"


I still say that Snoke should have been revealed to be Darth Plagueis and his body was damaged due to the attack by his apprentice in his sleep - but it turns out he HAD discovered the secret to extending his life, even if he was pretty beat up. It could have been revealed that he'd been manipulating events all along (just as in the Plagueis novel) and he could have even revealed to Luke that it was HE and Palpatine who were behind the birth of Anakin Skywalker (again, like the novel). He could have told Luke that because of this fact - darkness would always follow the Skywalker bloodline and it would have been perfect - THIS is what caused Luke to hide himself on that planet - to keep his family safe. He could have even gone so far as to tell Luke that this dark taint is part of why Anakin felt compelled to follow Palps in the first place and why they had a "father/son" type of relationship at first - and also why Luke went for the lightsaber on the Death Star 2 when Palps was goading him. These facts could have really messed Luke up emotionally and turned him into the broken JEdi we saw in the sequel trilogy - and also been why he actually tried to kill his nephew that night.
Could you imagine Plagueis finally telling Luke "have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?" But with a twist..."then his apprentice foolishly believed he'd killed him in his sleep...." Or something to that effect. OR EVEN BETTER - imagine Plagueis telling Luke the story of DARTH SIDIOUS THE ARROGANT.
Bringing back Palpatine was just the epitome of lazy writing and takes away from Anakin's redemption because of the actions of Luke in the original trilogy. It's not like the fans didn't know who Plagueis is. That scene is one of the most memorable Palpatine/Anakin moments in the prequel trilogy.


There is also a theory that the creators of Snoke had no idea what they were doing. This resulted in the most disjointed, terrible screen writing in history. It became obvious that they had no long term plan and were just making it up as they went.


In my opinion smoke is one of Star Wars’s best examples of how to drop the ball on a character


Snoke=Pickled Palpatine. No wonder people don't care for him. From a potentially larger than life fluff character; what a monumental failure in character/story development.


"Snoke had seen the fall of the republic and the rise of the empire." That sounded so good 6 years ago, until they shit the bed.


Man they should redo that whole fucking trilogy. Holy hell was it a non-sensical mess.


The mystery of the identity of this character was one of the coolest and most intriguing parts of the sequel trilogy at the start. Who was he? How did he know about Luke and all that had happened before? Was he a fallen Jedi? A familiar face from the prequels, twisted by the Dark Side? A disciple of a line of the Sith who had been in hiding during the time of the Empire? Or maybe a remnant of the ancient Sith Empire from the uncharted sectors of the galaxy? So many answers that could’ve added to the Star Wars lore and mythology in awesome ways.
Instead, he was just a clone of Palpatine and was killed unceremoniously. The biggest disappointment and waste of story and character development, probably ever!


His true identity is a poorly thought out plot device


This proves 100% beyond any doubt that the Disney sequels are a complete and TOTAL failure .
Even in a fantasy world of make believe, the Rat Squad can't can't come up with a decent explanation about why they can't continue a epic story .
George Lucas even gave them a freakin story, but the evil rat empire thought that they knew better
They were wrong .
They actually thought that they knew Star Wars better than the man who created it .
How patheticly arrogant .


The sequels just continues to disappoint and infect established lore with it's nonsense.


Disney fumbled the new saga so bad it causes me physical pain.


This is an underwhelming revelation written to support the last minute decision to bring Palpatine back. Snoke had so much potential to actually add something new to the lore before Rian Johnson's decision to kill him off.


They retconned "force dyad" onto 40-1000 years of Sith history because they needed to explain abilities created for plot convenience in the sequels, what a franchise


They should of kept snoke as a separate character instead of him being a clone of palpatine


There was a fan theory/fake leak that Snoke was an old republic era sith that was frozen in a sith prison that Jedi hid in during order 66 and Vader accidentally freed after episode 3.

That’s 100x better.


This could’ve been Plageuis which would’ve tied all 9 movies together. So much hope for this character in TFA to have it 💩💩💩💩 on for the remainder. Should’ve just have been JarJar


Snoke is like almost anything else that was halfway decent in the sequel trilogy. Good ideas ruined by awful leadership.


When they created Snoke there is NO WAY this was the plan for him


Snoke could have been such a cool villain. It really sucks that they just made him an throwaway NPC with no more and no reason for even being in the movie. They need to just toss those trash movies and do something different.
