SHANANN WATTS talks about NK her truth PT 1 Spirit Ghost box session Bonus visit with CeCe and Bella
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This amazing and often so clear it's like she's talking right in front of your face.
Shanann tells about how NK influence Chris. That she was there and how she knew it. her feelings about NK and more.
Part 1 is only the beginning. But what a beginning !!!
Anyone interested in the Watts case and wants to see it from Shananns point of view needs to see this. It's simply amazing. She talks about Chris Watts
And of course the kids are wonderful. and truly sad at one point, because again Bella tells us about missing her daddy. Fun with their swingset and more.
It's a great heartwarming ending to an intense conversation that you may find mindblowing.
Be sure to listen with headphones if possible. Spirit boxes can take practice to understand clearly.
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#Shanannwattsspirit #shanannwatts #shanannwattsspeaks #shanannwattschanneled #spirittalk #channelingshanannwatts #chriswatts #christopherwatts
Shanann tells about how NK influence Chris. That she was there and how she knew it. her feelings about NK and more.
Part 1 is only the beginning. But what a beginning !!!
Anyone interested in the Watts case and wants to see it from Shananns point of view needs to see this. It's simply amazing. She talks about Chris Watts
And of course the kids are wonderful. and truly sad at one point, because again Bella tells us about missing her daddy. Fun with their swingset and more.
It's a great heartwarming ending to an intense conversation that you may find mindblowing.
Be sure to listen with headphones if possible. Spirit boxes can take practice to understand clearly.
Use my about me take to contact me for private information on contact
#Shanannwattsspirit #shanannwatts #shanannwattsspeaks #shanannwattschanneled #spirittalk #channelingshanannwatts #chriswatts #christopherwatts