Dollar Tree's price increase will hurt those who have struggled most during pandemic, experts say

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As Dollar Tree looks to increase prices, local experts say those in fixed incomes, who have been hit the hardest by the pandemic, will struggle the most to keep up financially.
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We were already paying more at $1 than most of those products were even worth. Forget Dollar Tree with their 25% price increase. Let's see if the employees get a 12.5% raise!


For most of the duration of the pandemic and in fact for a few years prior, Dollar Tree has made it possible to get almost everything I need to live inexpensively. I'm working again but still on a fairly tight budget. This will definitely have an impact on me. I have diabetes and I need an inexpensive source of protein. Their albacore tuna has been that. It is the least expensive animal based protein source anywhere. Save-A-Lot no longer carries albacore. Their inexpensive brand used to offer Albacore but stopped a couple of years ago. My grocery budget is still $25 a week. A 20% increase in some items will mean I have to find another source of protein or get rid of something. I've already gotten rid of laundromats and hand wash my clothes now and hang them out to dry on a clothes line. It kind of leaves my phone ($23 every 3 months for 1 hour of talk time) and internet ($22 per month) as my only options for something to cut out. Looks like internet is going. The public library lets me use theirs but there is a one hour per day limit. I'm running out of things to cut.


This is awful! I've decided to boycott Dollar Tree! Which is sad, but they already refuse to pay their employees more than $7.25/hour... But to raise prices without paying their employees decent wages! I'm done!!! 💯💅 And Family Dollar is owned by Dollar Tree. They're getting boycotted too!


Consumers should look to competitors (.99 cent only stores and Walmart for example). Also when buying groceries, be sure to check the VOLUME (ounces, gallons, servings, etc.). You can usually get TWICE the product for less than the cost of buying two of the same item at Dollar Tree. Example: One gallon of fruit juice at Dollar Tree (two 64oz bottles = $2.50). At Walmart, One gallon of fruit juice is $1.80. Also, many if the items that Dollar Tree is now selling for $1.25 can be found for $1 or less elsewhere.

My advice? Avoid Dollar Tree and make them regret their decision.

Also, this is a great opportunity for someone to open a new competing store.


This is horrible. Something needs to be done.


Prize gauging and bad advertising at this point.They have not changed their name still says dollar tree.


It's really so that the CEO's can keep getting their million dollar salaries. It's no fun going there anymore. I went there and it was depressing. I hope they are happy with this cruel decision.


Idk about anyone else, but I am getting a little weary of everyone's dollar tree hauls. The "amazing finds, brand name items, etc., etc., isn't so amazing to me anymore. Not all DT's carry the same thing, they're inconsistent so it's a toss up if you find that same one decent item amongst a sea of junk. I have found a couple of things that were surprisingly good, thanks to some videos on here. The one item, the organic spring rolls, they no longer carry, the Gold Toe socks, found them one time, no longer at my DT and maybe a couple of the cleaning products work well. The Comet and one other anti bacterial kitchen cleaner . The other cleansers are crap, not even worth a dollar. Tissues, eh, sometimes Smiths/ Kroger will still do their 10 for 10 deals or they are the same price now, 1.25 and you get a bigger box at the grocery store. Some tupperware, the Rubbermaid brand, was a decent find as well. The greeting cards are a good deal, some are still two for 1.00. Anything else? Didn't work for me.


People will go without food before the necessary medications they can't afford. And insurance medications and co-pays just went up for 2022 and there's going to be medications people cannot pay for and will have to change them or suffer without them. They should give discounts for 50 and over, the most in need which are disabled and elderly.


I'm on a tight budget and they did this.... A lot of the stuff in there is not even worth $1 let alone $1.25 . I will not be going as frequently as I did.


Much of what is said is true, but DT is still cheaper than the supermarket where I live for non food items. I too, was disappointed when they went up, by 25cent. I thought that maybe their increase would be 15c, but not 25c. I guess next yr, they will go up again, but to what level.

Ms. L. Churchill


I won’t be going there for their junk. Especially with the price increase. Would rather pay a little more for better quality. We need to stop buying crap.


I have relied on dollar tree for many years to buy products within my Very small Budget, I am Disgusted !!! I'm changing the name to DOLLAR GREED 👹👹


If your struggling get rid of your pets or eat them


Prices of goods are increasing, transport costs are increasing, and more. The people complaining about a price hike after decades of $1 items should ask themselves if they wd be better off if all the stores closed due to lack of profitability.


Forgot to mention they will have to pay 15hr to their employees is the major reason behind the rise in prices, inflation, duuuh, and just wait until that 3 trillion $ infrastructure plan gets voted in, that’ll take inflation to the next level, total dependence on government, it’s why they are letting people thru the border because they will have more people to depend on government


⁉️⁉️WHO MISSES TRUMP⁉️⁉️ The TRUE elected president !


Sign up for SNAP and WIC, and if you own pets and can't even feed yourself you're an irresponsible person. You shouldn't have to worry about starving along side an animal who can't defend themselves and go to work for your needs.


The billions of food given away during the pandemic and people's still want more?


strange I cannot hit the dislike button for some of the comments?
