Killer Instinct Arcade Secrets! | Easy Combo Breakers! Fast Gameplay, Play as Eyedol...and More!

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QP = Quick Punch
MP = Medium Punch
FP = Fierce Punch
QK = Quick Kick
MK = Medium Kick
FK = Fierce Kick

Play as Eyedol: Select Cinder, on the VS screen hold right on joystick, quickly press: QP, QK, FP, MK, MP, FK

Stage Codes:
Ice Temple: Up + QP
Infinite Caves (Another hidden stage!) Up+MP
Ice Sculpture Up + FP
Castle Rooftop Up + QK
City Rooftop Up + MK
Desert Rooftop Up + FK
Wooden Bridge Down + QP
Blood Bath Down + MP
Lava Bridge Down + FP
City Street Down + QK
Castle Down + MK
Factory Down + FK
Sky Stage Down + MK (On both controllers!)

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I vaguely knew these from SNES days, very nice and informative. I like how you get straight to business. "You can do X....going to show now"


Just an FYI. Easy combo breakers dont change when you can break opponent combos.

It changes HOW you can break combos.

The normal rule, if you look at a normal 6 button layout, is you use the button to the left of what the opponent is currently using in the combo. Example: when orchid is doing her 3 hit b, f+hk move, you use the medium strength(kick or punch depending on the character you use) button to break. If they are using medium, you break with light. They use light, you break with heavy. The only moves you can break with any strength is the combo linker moves(orchid f, b+mk for instance)

Easy combo breakers removes this mechanic and allows you to break with ANY strength. Hence easy breakers =)


I've enjoyed playing this game a lot back in 1999.. it's still to this day my favorite game!


This is my all time favorite fighting game right here! Hopefully we can meet one day! There are some wacky combos and more hidden stuff that I can show you if you haven't known about yet! I discovered the Eyedol cheat because I beat the game on hard difficulty as a kid with no continues! It was extremely tough yet when I did it, it was a sign of relief and excitement!


Fantastic info to have and know. Thank you for sharing!!! Can’t wait for A1UPKI!!!


Dude, I think I saw your name on one of the leaderboards on the KI Arcade1Up. Nice to put a face to the name. Very informative video.


Here's a fun bug you can try:

Use the fast speed cheat, on Orchid's stage. Using TJ Combo, perform his Ultra combo, knocking the opponent off the roof. Because of the fast speed cheat, it will trigger a glitch where when falling the opponent at some point will start flying in reverse and back up the building, fly into the sky, and begin falling again. This will repeat indefinitely, effectively soft-locking the game. You will have no choice but to reset the machine.


Great video. You’re definitely a pro at this game I find it funny the people that play this game and mash buttons like crazy. It’s a combo hit game meaning you have to tap connecting buttons not mash the hell out of them.


I thought I had seen it all with ultra combos, but I have never seen that t.j combo glitch one... love it


i could still probably do all of spinal and cinder's combos, but i NEVER mastered combo breaks. i never had the manual for the game and just learned the hard way. its fun to meet someone who thinks they are good at this game or is actually good haha


4:16 If Capcom made this game they would try to rebrand this code and sell it to you next year as Killer Instinct Turbo Hyper Fighting like it's a brand new game. I don't care what anybody Killer this game right is the best fighting game of all time. It was what dreams were made of for the future of video games in the mid 90's. Then we got the mediocre Nintendo 64 instead of the Ultra 64 we all deserved!


To play as Eyedol, I select Riptor and press and hold Left + QP +QK + MP, on the VS screen, I press and hold Right + MP + FP + FK


Another Masterpiece Fighting Game!Thank You for showing the Tips and you got a subscribe :D


Cheers 4 da vid!, just like to add tho that in KI Cinder and Glacius once they get you in the air and do their infinite - Cinders-Uppercut with Kick, Glacius-Teleport Uppercut just say cheers to the guy doing it to you and go out for a ciggy 🤣


Orchid was my favorite. Her combos were so easy my buddies thought I was so good 😂.


I'm starting to practice on snes to get ready for launch, can't wait. Great video. I'd love to see a series on the characters and some combos etc for pt. 1 in particular. I always found pt. 1 was harder to be good at. KI2 seemed to be easier to string together moves etc.


6:01 It also now forever will look like
You can't unsee it.


This kinda of videos ticks my nostalgia itch. Great video never heard of this thank you


Thanks so much KAG a piece of the advice on various secrets of KI
Here is another secret set your diffcult to the highest and dont lose any match (spoiler how to unlock eyedol and it shows his ending which i wouldnt do to that to somebody family member)


great stuff Chris! this is a very useful and informative video to those who are new to KI.
