Advanced CSS | Filter functions

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The video explains that CSS filter functions allow you to apply various visual effects to HTML elements, such as changing their color, brightness, contrast, and more. These filters work by altering the appearance of an element's pixels, much like the filters in photo editing software.
The video goes on to demonstrate many of the CSS filter functions, including grayscale, brightness, contrast, blur and more. It explains how each of these functions works and how you can use them to achieve different visual effects on your webpage. Additionally, the video also touches on some of the more advanced filter functions, such as sepia, hue-rotate, and invert.
Overall, the video provides a helpful introduction to CSS filter functions and their capabilities, demonstrating how they can be used to create interesting and dynamic visual effects on your web pages.
The video goes on to demonstrate many of the CSS filter functions, including grayscale, brightness, contrast, blur and more. It explains how each of these functions works and how you can use them to achieve different visual effects on your webpage. Additionally, the video also touches on some of the more advanced filter functions, such as sepia, hue-rotate, and invert.
Overall, the video provides a helpful introduction to CSS filter functions and their capabilities, demonstrating how they can be used to create interesting and dynamic visual effects on your web pages.
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