Break-Ups In Thailand

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Talking about dating and marriage break ups inThailand. They are VERY different than the west and it is good to know this up front. #marriage #divorce #pattaya #travel #bar #allowance #divorce #retirement #retire #overseas #costofliving
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Been here a few years. Haven’t had a single negative experience with women. Everything positive. I narrow out high quality, high virtue ones as I did in the West


The prettier they are the more crazier they are at the end.. They can’t handle being told no, ignored or being unwanted


Hey Rob, an honest comment with no malice intended, you seem to come across as hyper intense, its ok to keep & maintain your own standards, but dont expect them to rub off on thai people, i've been there done that, the best advice i've been given is lower your expections of other people here, at the end of the day its their country & we are only guests here, try not to over think or anilize day to day situations, it is what it is, either go with the flow, or just walk away when things bother you. Because words once said, cant be unsaid. Cheers.


Robb you made a thrownaway comment thatd id LOVE to hear a video on. 'Rhai women never REALLY end their relationships'. Ive experienced this but need to understand.


Newbie to your channel an love it so much that I'm slowly catching up with your previous blogs.Told to me years ago a women will plan divorce about 5 years before they do it.Thats why they are so cold when it happens FACT


Good show Robb. Hope u get that back figured out. Great content. I did tell u my story long time ago. It was a shocker. But she started talking to me a little bit again. Anyway as alway's stay cool, kind and generous.


Haven't had a break up since I only casually date, but I hear the stories as well. Amazes me how fast expats get into relationships here in Thailand. My advice is take your time and get a feel for the culture. I know every man is not good with casual dating but that doesn't mean you have to rush into things.


I’ve been told that if you break up with a Thai lady, to sneak out the back quietly. Also, never say you’re “finished” unless you want your belongings on fire in the front yard. I could see that.


Thumbs up 👍 Robb, as far as taking out a life insurance policy on someone if that’s what you were leaning towards, you have to have an insurable interest in the person and in most cases that person also will need to sign depending on the amount 😅


There are a handful of expats that i have spoken to that have disconnected with their family and friends from their home country, however, i wouldn't go as far as saying "most" . Most of the expats that i have met often go back to their home country for months at a time, then return to Thailand including me (Similar to what you are about to, return home for a family event and then return). If Thai women are giving attention, there is an underlying reason always, it is quite common in Thailand between Thai women and farangs..


You will never know about a lady until you have a relationship with that lady. Good Luck!


Lived here for 15 years and don’t feel that I’ve ever dated a girl. Just happy with bar girls. I find the whole experience functional. Just broke up with my ex of one year. Always give them some money to help them on their way, most just want to move on anyway.


Not only foreigner man i'm a thai woman get education abroad and meet a foreigner at school and marriage amost 50 years and after retires move back to my home town he start go out at night with his friend to bar and start cheat on me and i have enought filed for divoces after 49 years of marriage and happy and now my ex homeless and pennyless because his girlfriend take him to dry clean 😅


1st comment !
Back n back or back in black ?? Lol🤟🤟😄😄


I think breaking up with a Thai women is about replacement strategy and in this context the farang is at an advantage. On a dating site for every farang there are how many Thai ladies. ?
'Nuff said.


The majority of Thai women are NOT scammers… but if you go to a bar on walking street many probably are… common sense… but that doesn’t mean many guys aren’t stupid and the scams in Thailand can be quite sophisticated and coordinate in groups… but as with all women keep your money separate and only provide incremental benefit,


Did you manage to buy that Ducati, Robb?


Another good video Robb, , , , What city do you live in and what province? Have a great day 🙏
