All Infinite Bolt Glitch Methods in Blackwater City (Rilgar) - Ratchet and Clank 1 (PS3)

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How To perform the infinite money / bolt glitch on planet Rilgar in Blackwater City (Ratchet & Clank 1 HD Collection PS3). This is (as far as I know) all the current infinite bolt glitches in the game. Or at least the effective ones. I am aware of Bolt Grinding/Farming techniques which I may cover in another video.

If you have any Critiques about the video/my content, feel free to tell me :)
If you have a way I can improve my content as well please do mention it as you well help my future content. :))))))) thx.
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So if you leave the level and come back the boxes don't respawn?


So happy to see my favourite game is still active!


For anyone wondering how to do an sti, do a long jump then right as you touch a slope spam x while still holding r1


Bought the RYNO when I was a kid after farming the bolts needed thinking I needed to do it for the story and about to relive the experience years later. Thanks for making it easier btw :)


Just earned the bolt collector trophy after using the bolt glitch on my challenge mode run. The trophy for 1 million bolts popped at 600K for me given its culmative.


Just wanted to say thanks for this video! I just completed this today. The truck method was the only one I tried and it was super easy to get to the racetrack that way.

I'm on PS5/PS Premium. So for anyone else that's doing the same, use a rubber band to hold your right joystick in the up position so that it doesn't kick you for inactivity


For those having issues with the glitch, I found the Tesla Claw to be the next most effective weapon to fight Drek with in the final stage. It's 40, 000 bolts normally, or 30, 000 Bolts with the Hypnotizer, and does a fair old amount of damage.

Also worth noting that the non-NG+ Gold Bolt Store is just after the second Qwark bossfight on Gemlik Base. You can ride a hidden lift up to the Gold Bolt store and use your Gold Bolts to buy upgraded versions of your weapons.


I did the SI on the tree (PS Vita) and it worked perfectly for me, after I watched a tutorial for the SI. Thank you very much!


Thanks for this, was having trouble glitching through the wall but the double decoy trick immediately worked for me


The wall glitch and the double jump on the tree glitch worked for me. Thank you for explaining it so well. Other videos left me mystified. Also, thanks for explaining that bonus glitch in the tunnel at the end. That tunnel glitch didn't work for me.

Anyways, I am on the track. After 1 hour, went from 6000 to 49000 bolts. Gonna get me the RYNO and maybe the 1 mil bolts trophy.

Lastly, I am streaming the game through PS Premium. I had the button taped down to continously run the taunter. However, PS Streaming didn't count that as input and almost timed out after 10 minutes/disconnected me from my stream. I wrapped a rubberband around the controller and right joystick to keep the camera rotating. So far so good after 50 minutes with no timeout warning.

Thanks again for this great video!


So I got to play this game when the ps2 first came out in Hawaii to this day, I have never owned the RYNO from the first game, I just saw this many years later. I bought the game for the ps3 last night and am now camping on the racetrack. Thank you very much for an amazing video, just got to the planet, I went the captain quark route, just cuz I chose that route first on accident, but I still made it to the track!!! Again, thank you very much


Thanks for posting. The decoy method has been a poor performer for me. Jumping onto the truck worked out pretty easy.


Just a heads up, if you do this with a dualshock 4 controller with the hd collection on ps3, and hold down the button to use the taunter, then unplug the controller it'll continue pushing the button without the need for a rubber band or anything.


Confirmation that this does work for PS2 (the decoy strat) Now my 7 year old self has a date with my old nemesis Drek. Also thank you so much dude much appreciated


cheers you actual legend, this is exactly what I was hoping for. Just want the ryno before finishing the game but now can grab it straight away. Absolutely love the game but I played it new game+ enough times 20 years ago!


I once did this glitch successfully by just entering the race with the hologuise. The second time I tried those boxes wouldn't spawn


Thank you, finally made it
Other videos don't explain as well as you do!


For those streaming the game on PS Plus:

1. The trick still works.

2. On top of taping down the O button, you need a rubber band to hold the right stick so it keeps spinning around to keep you in the game or else the game will time out and boot you off after a certain amount of time.


Very, very helpful, thank you so much. Been re-playing through the original version these days, and with a set goal of finally beating the game (since I never have before), and got to Orxon or what ever planet where you can buy the two health upgrades, accidentally hit the button to buy the second upgrade, wiped out all of my bolts, it auto-saved, and I still had not bought a few other things I was currently saving up bolts for. Anyway, the truck / 4th method did the trick for me, now letting my controller sit with a pipe-wrench gently holding the O circle button down.


There's a way to instantly get teleported to the track on foot, you have to use the boost with the Clank jetpack thing right at the girl that gets you in the race and change suit while you do it and you'll just get teleported there on foot, i don't remember if it's exactly like that because I did that when I was like 7 years old, but it's definitely way more simple than this
