Author DEFENDS Stealing Everyone’s Stuff...Except the Author’s Stuff

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One way to show an idea is a bad one is to see if it self-destructs. Some ideas sound good in theory but don’t work in practice.

In this video, we show that Vicky Osterweil’s book self-destructs in three ways. One, it argues against other people’s property rights while using copyright law to protect the author’s property rights. Two, it rejects property rights because they support racism while appealing to intellectual property rights, thus promoting racism. Three, it condemns capitalism—“We would be able to live without a wage if we freely shared the products of society [16]”—but then affirms capitalism in practice since the book is not “freely shared with society” but rather sells for a tidy little profit at the easy-to-find capitalist mega-monster….Amazon!

Over and over, Osterweil undermines the Marxist case by doing the very things the book says shouldn’t be done. In other words, Osterweil’s actions contradict her convictions.

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I once worked in a specialty retail store where a guy was insisting on a discount. He said, "I took a class and my professor said to never pay full price on anything".

My co-worker said (without missing a beat), "How much did you pay for the class? Did you get a refund?"


I wouldn’t steal Vicky’s “intellectual” property if my life depended on it. 😂


Author: "It's okay to take property"

Also author:

*reverse uno card*


The thief's argument: "All your stuff is mine. All my stuff is mine."


I would pay actual money to hear the author respond to this video.


Many are against private property until someone wants to take their cell phone...


Her morality is subjective, as in, subject to her conditions.


Thank you for addressing this topic. It wasn't an obviously religious topic, but good or bad thinking doesn't have to be explicitly religious either. Great stuff!


It actually is saying something about the author, not just her ideas - and that's ok. It reveals her as a hypocrite.


Basically, stealing is okay, and wealth is bad. Unless you’re stealing my stuff, or taking my wealth. Rules for thee, but not for me. Ladies and gentlemen, hypocrisy at its finest.


Vicky Osterweil: according to a book I wrote, you deserve free things or you’re a racist!

Me: can I have your book for free then?

VO: *surprised Pikachu face*


I really hope he didn't have to suffer reading through this whole thing. That would be too much of a punishment


💜 *What an AWESOME way to start my Wednesday morning!! Hope you are well Tim =) God bless ALL my Brother's and Sister's out there* 💜🤗💜


So basically, the guy wants communism, but not for himself?


Here is a real story when the communists once came to power. It happened in Russia after 1917, after an illegal coup and a bloody civil war. The communist slogan was "factories to the workers, land to the peasants". But when they came to power, they simply confiscated private property, including from the workers and the peasants. And those who were against, they simply sent to working camps. Sometimes even after someone else's false accusation. As a result, it damaged seriously the food system in the country and caused a mass famine in the 1930s, which touched about 60% of population of the USSR, some of whom, several million people, died. Thought before the revolution, Russia had about 40% of world grain export. Even though years after the communist government achieved some success in industry and technology ect, like spaceflight (also the Ussr played probably the most important role in fighting fascism in the WWII). But that success didn't last long and it ended with an economic crisis and fall of the Ussr. Also the same success could be done in Russia without any revolution or "building communism", just like it was done let's say in the US. If not communists, Russia would be most likely the second largest economy in the world. But it's only somewhere 8-10th place now. Thought before the revolution Russian economic was one of the most fast-growing in the world. The revolution 1917 ruined it and the communists in power was the biggest tragedy that happened with Russia the last centuries. Hope people in other countries will not repeat those mistakes.


Thanks a lot for the upload. Can't help but recall Romans 1:28 'And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to those things which are not fitting'. (NKJV) -> Holy God: Thou shall not steal, Debased mind: Thou shalt loot


so if I break into vickys house to "redistribute" her things would she call the police or just let me have my new stuff?


Pretty sure ownership of property of some sort is a universal human characteristic. Heck, even animals defend the food they've hunted or gathered.


Just discovered your channel and I’m obsessed. Thank you for actually offering information for free ;)


This channel will have over 100k subscribers in no time. It’s too good!!!
