Electrical Engineering: Ch 11 AC Circuit Analysis (31 of 34) Norton Equivalent Circuit: Ex.

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We will find the Norton Equivalent current, I=?, using the Norton Equivalent circuit.
(Our dog, Tapi, makes an appearance at the end of the video.)

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you can do short circuit current to get the IN in seconds


How to approach similar circuit with given circuit parameters and derive the governing differential equation? Say I am interested in the oscillating transient behavior at the start of a sine excitation of the circuit-current? Do I approach it via laplace transformation and retransformation?


Could you tell me the name of area of maths that deals with infinitesimal areas and volumes, that is tightly interconnected with engineering?


I like the dog😊 ☺😊😀😁😂5 Smile's.
What about the 3rd 4 ripple in function?like time in a pc curcit or function use (mine😮)strange how light can fix????example: like time or peck pulse from 555 to stable interactions or removal of the peck that keeps back flowing and trips it on/off with reset?. Nother example (I had a primer on a gel blaster had neg and poss with director on both but when using the main motor the juice was able to run up the negative since director on neg actually don't have a job unless in respect to possible guide in some curcit use!! It would trip the 555 reset button as it was set to run for 2.5sec to prime and reset. On top if you don't block that primer on the poss to the second motor with no director it gose to the pig motor those motors win every time! like a big induction coil😕'O'well. Strange that electron roll..should see the voltage regulatior set i got use 4 15v, 12v, 9v, 5v, regs i had to add a director to all to get the 5v to work with out a director set to the 5v it would even on 8vplus operating system it still would not light up the 5v setout added the direction via each and all working????.
