Can I Beat a Real Fighter Pilot in DCS? | F-16 Vs MiG-29 | Force Feedback Stick

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In this video I dogfight BFM my friend who is a real-World NATO fighter pilot. F-16 Vs MiG-29 duel.

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#dcsworld #dcs #dogfight #mig29 #forcefeedbackjoystick
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For those criticising the real fighter pilot:

Firstly, he is not an F-16 pilot, secondly I think A LOT of people have a vast misunderstanding of DCS Vs Reality for a real fighter pilot. It's a game - good DCS BFM players will often (if not always) beat real fighter pilots in DCS on a computer. If you were to put the same two people into real jets the outcome would be reversed for many reasons - different visual cues, G forces, spacial orientation ect.

Then there's obviously the fact that when you fly a completely different aircraft at work and in DCS you simply can't be proficient at it! You will make mistakes like anybody else, real fighter pilot or not. In real life you don't go from an Su-27 into a Typhoon and start to dominate like you did in your "own" jet. These DCS fights are a bit of fun for both of us and to try different things so to start judging someone's real life fighter pilot abilities based off a fun dogfight in DCS is beyond ridiculous.

Just a side-note: a couple of years ago DARPA developed the best dogfighter AI they could think of and put it up against a real fighter pilot and a DCS player that won some online dofighting competitions. The real fighter pilot lost against the AI, the DCS player won. Just food for thought.


Imagine seeing that dogfight from the ground


Honestly the scariest, and ergo most fun fights to watch are those where the real fighter pilot takes a round or two to figure things out, then just goes balls to the wall all out and absolutely stomps the shit out of the opposition. It's wild to see them adjust SO quickly and efficiently despite never flying the platforms in game, or just never flying DCS in general.


Cool to see you dogfighting! Superb lift vector placement on your part, really like how you stiff armed the F-16 into a 1-circle.


I think, the real pilot, adjusted things, and, very sure, played with you.
He did ONE attempt to attack. Hit.
you did more than 3. No hit. not even close.


I find really amazing that, in every real fighter pilot playing DCS video, they can deny every shot opportunity from the enemy, capitalize on the mistake and end the fight QUICK. A real show of skill!!


those people that criticise fighter pilots based on this very specific situation are just they see one situation and think they know it all. In the real world you have so many forces acting on you. You die in the real world, the stress and reality is different...



Reasons :

No "like and subscribe" right in the beginning of the video.

No "fake calls" I mean no clickbait.


Great video! I enjoyed watching both of you play and have fun with it. What you said is true. It's similar to what F1 driver Max Verstappen mentioned about playing F1 simulators with sim players. He said he learns a lot from sim players who can push the limits without any risk since they can respawn anytime. However, he also noted that while there's a lot to learn from sim players, real pilots and F1 drivers have a more realistic perspective that sim players lack.


It almost looks like dancing. Theres something beautiful about how the flight paths are mirrored


I have NEVER seen anyone jink that aggressively in DCS before. That more than anything convinces me he’s the real deal.


4:18 Classic "target fixation" made you overshoot there. Viper roll rate helped him, but still that was a classic "target fixation" from your side. What you should've done there is: Manage closure rate, preserve the range, stay in CZ and ONLY then think with your gun.
Same example in 6:10. You want to kill him fast - but you ended up overshooting in close, instead - look for LAG circle entry and dominate position first - the end result would be multiple firing solutions instead of just 1 snap shot.
Fight for position first as it will benefits you in a long run


Amazing show of pilot-ship on both sides.
I really like your channel, just came across you, I look forward to seeing more


that intro was beautiful. Whole fight like this would please. You topped it with this kind of visual. Also the rest was perfect but ...


Great video & great dogfight. That F16 is amazing! I didn't know it could do some of those manoeuvres. Well done to your friend but kudos to you for staying in there for so long.


Watching around 4:15 where the F-16 starts dancing out of the crosshairs was impressive. I don't know anything about dogfighting but that was really cool.


That's like saying a COD player thinks he is shooting a real weapon lol


Having commentary from your friend would be nice as well


Круто было смотреть на это, хоть и не понимаю английского.))


Great video man, i dont know why there are so many negative people in the comments saying stuff that just isnt true, keep it up!
