Saint Joseph & Selling our Home!! Moving MAY-HEM

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This will be our third time selling a home... on this move, I plan on "planting" my statue of St. Joseph in my front yard, something I've done on the past 2 home sales as well. Did it work for me? I'm thinking you can already guess the answer!

For some people this is a deeply religious act, for others it may be more superstition, but regardless of your personal take on it - it has become a popular activity with families thinking about selling their properties!

** This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are my own.

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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I'm so glad St. Joseph has been so helpful. We love St. Joseph around here.


I totally believe in St. Joseph. It's worked for everyone I know, including the selling of our Dad's home after he passed. Enjoyed your video. It was very sweet & sincere. 🙂


My parents buried St. Joseph and sold their house before it was even on the market.  I never got a chance to buy St. Joseph, when we sold our condo.  The darn thing sold in two days (for 15% over asking) and everyone who had a showing put in an offer. Best of luck with your home!! :)


Love this! I'm not catholic either but believe these things help! I have used St Anthony - he is the patron saint of lost things! I have lost special things on more than one occasion and they turned up after praying to St Anthony!

So excited to follow your move. I really hope you can film the organizer as well. What an awesome perk.


I was brought up baptist and love doing the rosary :)


Because of all the things you should be praying for is not for the poor or the sick but the sale of your house, because that is what is truly important ! So glad the lord worked this out instead of the really important things


Brother Andre of Montreal buried a St Joseph medal on the side of the mountain here so that the land there might be purchased for a church in honour of Saint Joseph... and now here is the largest monument to St.Joseph on the planet! :)


I am not Catholic but this is a neat concept and I enjoyed hearing a little bit about your beliefs/background. I agree with what you said about it may just be coincidence but at least it gives you peace of mind that you have done everything you can do to help sell your house and how neat is it that this statue has been with you all for ten years. That would make anything special!


This was so cool to know! I'll be doing this too when we try to sell our house. We are Catholic and I love how the symbols help people to connect to our higher power. 💗 I pray your home sells quickly!


Super interesting video! I'm not Catholic either, but I love and honor and value the Catholic church and all it's done for the world - the Catholic church carried the truth of Scripture throughout the ages of history. Even though they've gone through periods of imperfection and outright wrong (like ANY CHURCH! :) ), they have worked very hard in this day and age to value life, from it's beginning,   and to build FAMILIES and support them. Great video! :) Love your channel! :)


I never knew anything about St. Joseph.  I love the symbolism behind him!!


You have Done Great
My home went on the market 5days ago will plant St Joseph And pray


Check out Catholic Answers radio. They have all their podcasts online. It is a informative show but funny and upbeat too.


I told your husband about St Joseph when you were trying to sell that first house, and it has worked for everyone that I know who has tried it. I think the trick is that you have to believe it will work. As for your fortune cookie - that is the best advice EVER, but you have been sending out "I want to move back to Michigan" vibes to the universe for months now, and what you think about you bring about - you should read The Secret, there are no coincidences. Good video - thanks for sharing, and good luck with the house sale!


Love this... We are about to list our home in June so I will definitely be on the lookout for a St. Joseph statue!


Hi, Di. Congratulations on your DH's promotion & good luck with the selling & buying of your old/new homes.  St Joseph the Worker's Feast Day (Mar 19) was always celebrated in my household growing up.  My Sicilian paternal grandmother would make St Joseph Sfinge (creampuff w/ricotta filling) for my dad, Joseph, on this date.  We continued the tradition after she passed away. Some Catholic families have a statue of the Blessed Mother Mary displayed in their garden.  Both Mary & Joseph, the parents of Jesus, symbolize family life.  If you can't find something, pray to St Anthony. (Believe me, he has never failed me.)  St Jude is the patron saint of lost causes.  When these traditions started is anyone's guess. Many of these traditions or folklore have given people hope or comfort.  We are a multi-religious family. I am Catholic, DH is Jewish & son is Jewish by conversion (bris, mikvah & bar mitzvah). We wanted our son to have a religious background from the start whether it was Jewish or Catholic.  I found some info on this site - saint-josephstatue dot com - about the statue. You explained it well & your belief that St Joseph will help you  came from the heart. This is one of the many reasons why we hit it off when we met at our other favorite home - WDW (and adopted  Hugs to all. Be well.
Tootlepip, Barbara, NYC aka Mama Happy xoxo


We used the St Joseph when selling our home too lol!


Yep, we do this too! So cool to see others do this!


If you want to you can go to the RCIA class at your local Catholic church after you move to learn more. I took the class just to make my mom happy but towards the end of the class I just knew that the Catholic church is where I belong. You don't have to become Catholic at the end of the class if you don't want to but you will have the option.


hey missus how interesting I never knew that about St. Joseph and we're Irish. Best of luck with selling the house! This is our first time tuning in sending you love from fellow vlogger cork Ireland xxx
