8 Minute Women's Total Gym Workout

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Total Gym Is The Best Home Exercise Equipment for Your Total Fitness!

Endorsed by Christie Brinkley and Chuck Norris and as seen on TV Total Gym is the best home gym equipment on the market. You’ve seen the Chuck Norris infomercial. With more than 80 exercises it's like having an entire gym full of exercise equipment in just ONE machine. Do you have 10-20 minutes a day to reshape your body? Total Gym is all in one exercise equipment. Just a few minutes in the morning can deliver a total body good morning exercise routine at home with Total Gym! Whether you're looking to stay lean and fit, lose weight, build muscle, tone or just get into the best shape of your life, you can do it with Total Gym workouts!

Check out Total Gym Pulse Blog for Morning Workout Tips, Hot Gym Workout Trends, Total Gym AbCrunch Workouts (Total Gym Workout for Abs), Total Gym Core Exercises, Total Gym Cardio Workouts, Sneak Peaks of our latest Total Gym Home Gym Equipment, Christie Brinkley Exercise Routine on Christie Brinkley Exercise Machine, Chuck Norris Workouts, Total Gym Success Stories – including Total Gym Before and After Pictures and much more!

Chuck Norris has been using his Total Gym as his primary home gym for more than 30 years. He calls Total Gym his "lean, mean home exercise machine.” Chuck Norris isn’t alone--4 million users worldwide trust Total Gym. Total Gym Reviews prove Total Gym delivers real results. Total Gym Best Selling Home Gym - Total Gym XLS received 4.6 out of 5 stars with 97% of Total Gym users saying they would recommend Total Gym to a friend.

Over 10 years ago, Christie Brinkley was introduced to Total Gym for strength and resistance training and agrees that "once you try it, you’ll be hooked for life.” Christie Brinkley Workout favorites on Total Gym include Pilates, Row and Surfer. Discover your own favorite Home Gym ideas on one of the Total Gym Workout Machines.

Total Gym enables you to customize the workout that works for you – any time of day, any body type, any age, gender, fitness level. Customized Total Gym Workout Schedule for Men and Women are included in the workout card decks.

Make Total Gym Your Home Gym. Discover the best Total Gym for you!
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for this. Because of the Quarantine 2020, I'm finally going to use this because I'm home with time on my hands!


I so want the total gym. My husband keeps trying to buy me a tennis bracelet for my birthday. I want this! A work out that you can do while sitting down! YES honey. After having three kids (ages now 2, 4 &6) and focusing on my husband and career I let my physical fitness fall off the cliff. I am a few months away from 40, so as not to hurt myself, I need to work my way back up to cross country running by sitting down first. hehe :P


Excellent video! I'm new to this type of machine and today is my first day and using some of your techniques. Thanks much!


Helpful exercises. I was in the ARMY as a kid. It's amazing how little of the movements we did that I remember. I do remember having a cooldown routine though, and yous looks more than adequate.


Good for men as well with increased resistance. Thank you.


perfect for what I needed today!! Please more like that!


Great 8 minute workout/ Thank you for remembering the cool down


Great workout. I will try it for sure. I purchased an older model Total Gym from someone


Any workouts for arms? I have broad shoulders and dont want look any bigger..


Great work and presentation. But I am now convinced I don't need a Total Gym machine to get the results.


Newbie here. Are these to be done everyday or 3x/week?


Good job that is such a good workout I will be doing that thank you


I see comments about doing a demo of the equipment. If you purchased a total gym directly from the company then you should have START UP videos. If you got one used then you may be able to search start up videos on Google or on Youtube to find out more about how to use the equipment safely. I have had my Total Gym for 6 years and I make sure that before I attempt to get up off it I always "anchor" myself to stay safe. If I have a long ponytail I make sure it is put up in a ball out of the way so it does not get stuck if I am doing an exercise where I am laying down. I ALWAYS make sure the safety pin is in place. I hope this helps.


Your exercises are great but it would be so much better if you did all 10 reps with the person watching. Otherwise it is a pain to constantly put the video on pause while I complete the exercise.


It would be nice if you showed how you get off of the machine without injuring yourself after you finish each exercise.


Are these 15 rep's each for each exercise?


Hi Honey Pamela, has a few questions, First, started Total Gym about a month ago, no results! I was diagnosed osteopenia, can't lift heavy weights or run due to other problem, it looks like I could do all of your workout.My Question is You look like you do weights? Can't believe just the above exercises made you so FIT! Also, Can you tell me your diet if you have healthy eating. Thanks PS have seen on TV Total Gym, your routine is way better looking, you should be doing the commercial, not old Bless You and Thanks


I thought this was a total gym workout? She does more off the machine than on it!


Am 338 pounds and was to get to 170 pounds


thats not a total gym xls thats a total gym extreme
