The 21 Best Nintendo Switch Games So Far

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The Switch has so many incredible games we couldn't just pick ten, or even fifteen, we had to go for the big 2-1. Because 20 is so last season.

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Thank me later

21. 0:28 Ironcast
20. 1:04 Pokken Tournament DX
19. 1:49 Minecraft
18. 2:31 ARMS
17. 3:09 Thumper
16. 3:49 FAST RMX
15. 4:38 Axiom Verge
14. 5:12 Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
13. 6:00 Shovel Knight
12. 6:32 Golf Story
11. 7:16 SteamWorld Dig 2
10. 8:04 Skyrim
9. 8:33 Xenoblade Chronicles 2
8. 9:18 Sonic Mania
7. 10:17 Rocket League
6. 10:52 Stardew Valley
5. 12:17 DOOM
4. 13:30 Splatoon 2
3. 14:36 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
2. 15:59 Super Mario Odyssey
1. 17:27 The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Your welcome :)


WTF??? How is Metroid Prime 4 not on this list?

Being from the future, I am offended.


Why is Nintendo doing this to my pocket?!


I can’t believe how many good games there are! Love my Switch.


Congratulations on 10 million Switch’s sold Nintendo! You deserve it!


I'm happy Breath of the Wild took so long to complete and kept getting delayed for the Switch, and just because it is so amazing and Is probably my favorite game ever.... besides maybe Super Paper Mario.


How to build the perfect switch after buying it:

One: Attach an SD card
Two: buy Odyssey
Three:Buy Zelda
Four: Buy any number of games of your choice
Five: Buy Pro Controller
Six: Buy portable charger
Seven: Buy Screen Protector
Eight: Have fun!
I'm adding people's suggestions.


I'm getting one tomorrow because of this. Subscribed, liked, and kudos buddy!


You should revisit ARMS again in near future, the current state is nothing like the first time it released and new contents keeps coming. :)


I think that shovel knight deserves more love as it is such a wonderful game, also heaps of people loved snipperclips and overcooked, surprised they didn't make the top 20.


I only own 3 Switch games. They’re the top 3 and I’m glad :)


Thanks for the vid!, also so true about starred valley, it will take over your life!


Trying to decide whether to buy a switch, so I'm watching a lot of videos about the game selection on offer, and this is the best one yet. Thumbs up.


I moms friend from highschool is one of the two creators of thumper. He was the programmer of the game and his name is Mark Flurry.


Botw went above and beyond with so much content jammed into little areas


Gonna buy a Switch sometime next week after Christmas! Can't wait! I also own a Wii U which I've enjoyed for the past 3 years & will continue to play it for a while. I wasn't going to buy a Switch originally cause it looked very similar to the Wii U graphic wise, but played it in stores a few times & I love the many different ways you can play it! I'm gonna buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe & Doom as well as a pro controller to start. I own Mario Kart 8 on Wii U & I still play it a lot 3 years later, easily my favorite in the series & it's even better on the Switch with the much improved battle mode & all the additional content that makes it worth it for me. I'm not gonna buy Splatoon 2, at least not right now, cause I just bought the Wii U version earlier this year (still $60!), but may eventually buy it when Nintendo stops supporting the Wii U's online mode which might not be for a while.


Did you mention that Splatoon 2 has, ahem, *clears throat* THE BEST SOUND TRACK EVER?!?!


These are all the great titles, great job buddy


Bold choice with arms man. I picked it up and put it down after only 2 weeks of play time. I think the fun is so repetitive that it really isn't that fun after you've played it for a while. However, it still is fun. I feel you but it could've been replaced with a more memorable game. Not only that but the steamworld pick was very surprising. I honestly think some of these games don't deserve to be on the list. For example, a lot of gamers have already played skyrim, so to recommend it is bold. Not to direct any hate at you, loved the video! Already subbed because of it, but once again, a game like rocket league has been played to death. The ports aren't amazing on this list, as I already stated skyrim and rocket league aren't the best picks just because I played those games. Not to say that all the ports are bad, doom was great, but that's because it was fresh. I think the old ports aren't that great on this list, but some of the fresher ones are great. I also totally disagree with the Odyssey and BoTW choice, but that's just preference. The list would've been better if you just had a shorter list, but once again, loved the list so don't stop!


*plays super Mario odyssey while listening to this*
