Why India Was DENIED Nuclear Suppliers Group Membership | Abhijit Chavda & Abhijit Iyer-Mitra

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Join us in this thought-provoking video as we delve into the complex relationship between Russia and India. With recent military exercises conducted by Russia and Pakistan raising eyebrows, we examine the implications and explore the broader dynamics at play in the region.
We dive into the evolving Russia-India partnership, considering historical ties, defence collaborations, and shared strategic interests. While Russia's military exercises with Pakistan have sparked debates, we critically analyse the impact on the Russia-India relationship and the potential implications for regional stability.
Furthermore, we shed light on the emerging dynamic between India, Russia, and China. As geopolitical dynamics shift, there is growing discourse around the importance of understanding and managing this tripartite relationship. Our experts provide valuable insights and discuss the potential implications for the region's power balance and global dynamics.
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Рекомендации по теме

'Saint' Francis Xavier, in whose name many Christian schools and colleges are being run in India, wrote the following in a letter to Rome about breaking Hindu temples:
"When all are baptized I order all the temples of their false gods to be destroyed and all the idols to be broken in pieces. I can give you no idea of the joy I feel in seeing this done, witnessing the destruction of the idols by the very people who but lately adored them."- The Life And Letters Of St. Francis Xavier, Volume 1, Book II, Chapter IV, Page 281, by Coleridge, Henry James, 1822-1893


This is how Al-Jahiz, a 9th-century Arab scholar, has described Indian Culture:
"As regards the Indians, they are among the leaders in astronomy, mathematics- in particular, they have Indian numerals and medicine; they alone possess the secrets of the latter, and use them to practise some remarkable forms of treatment. They have the art of carving statues and painted figures. They possess the game of chess, which is the noblest of games and requires more judgment and intelligence than any other. They make Kedah swords, and excel in their use. They have splendid music, including that of the kankala, an instrument with a single string mounted on a gourd, which takes the place of the many-stringed lute and cymbals. They know a number of sprightly dances, and are versed in magic and fumigation. They possess a script capable of expressing the sounds of all languages, as well as many numerals. They have a great deal of poetry, many long treatises, and a deep understanding of philosophy and letters; the book Kalila wa-Dimna (Panchatantra) originated with them. They are intelligent and courageous, and have more good qualities than the Chinese. Their sound judgment and sensible habits led them to invent pins, cork, toothpicks, the drape of clothes and the dyeing of hair. They are handsome, attractive and forbearing, their women are proverbial, and their country produces the matchless Indian aloes which are supplied to kings. They were the originators of the science of fikr, by which a poison can be counteracted after it has been used, and of astronomical reckoning, subsequently adopted by the rest of the world."
From: THE LIFE AND WORKS OF JAHIZ by Charles Pellat, Page 197, Chapter XXXI "Superiority of the blacks to the whites", Section 3 "Indian culture"


Abhijit sir is not pregnant but he never fails to deliver ❤


As indian, we have to be master in all branches of knowledge


Pierre Simon de Laplace, a French mathematician whose name is familiar to every mathematician, physicist and engineer in the world, wrote about India:
"It is India that gave us the ingenious method of expressing all numbers using ten characters, giving these numbers simultaneously a value absolute and a value of position; a fine and important idea, which seems so simple now, that we hardly appreciate its merit. But this very simplicity, the extreme ease resulting in all calculations, place our system of arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions; and we appreciate the difficulty of achieving this, considering that it escaped the genius of Archimedes and Apollonius, two of the greatest and most honored men of antiquity."
From: Pierre-Simon Laplace, Exposition du Système du Monde, Vol. 2 (1798), Page 264, Chapter: De l'Astronomie ancienne, jusqu'à la fondation de l'école d'Alexandrie.


Mitra geopolitical knowledge is masterpiece ❤❤


Sir can you please invite Abijit Ayer Mitra more frequently?

Very intellectual conversation between the two of you ❤

We learnt so much !


Abhijit chavda...huge fan ❤never disappoints...


Actually the question could also be should the Russians trust India only because they see you dealing with the west so much. Just a thought, I am sure some people are thinking that.


Have seen this line of thinking 1 year ago. But it is not a viable long term strategy. You become a great power by staring down the dominant powers not by being stared down.


You cannot blindly trust anyone in today's era


The world looks different when you’re part of the ‘Lutyens Delhi circle’ and know a lot of information which for general public is ‘classified’ which is literally everything.


I love to watch these two scholars when they discuss ❤


The islamo-leftism combination which has dominated india is the reason why there was so much contradictions and confusion in our foreign policy existed until the modi government came to power in bizarre islamo-leftism ecosystem which is very unique exists ONLY in India alone and is not seen anywhere else in the world has been established and nurtured by both Pakistan and China since our independence with ample support from India's corrupt politicians this ecosystem dominates our media, judiciary, administration, law and order, politics. One prime example of this islamo-leftism construct is the control of hindu temples under government and still continues today despite BJP being in power for more than ten itself shows the power and reach of this islamo-leftism ecosystem


Even though he's working for foreign governments and arms lobbies (companies) it's very interesting to hear from Mr Iyer Mitra.


Thank you sir for showing real history in this fake world


World including friends ONLY respect power hence India has to become powerful on own so as to not have to count on others for help. Spend $3B right away to add 700 T72BM3 tanks and 500-1000 IFVs even Indian made given lessons from current Russo-Ukr war prove that drones can hunt hard assets easily so more the number the better. Drone strength is another area to throw efforts on in all spheres of warfare....offense, defense, ISR etc etc.


Sir i kindly request you to stop discussing about defence matters with him because he is telling many foolish things


Have someone secretly record what Christian priests are preaching in their churches and Christian schools, then you will understand what is occurring in Northeast.


Nowadays, every one becomes pundit easily and comes to lecture in youtube
