Django Channels 3 Tutorial -A real-time web application with Websocket, Celery and Redis, #channels
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This Videos is about the use django channels and celery together and not a chat app.
This is not a beginner tutorial and some experience in channels is required.
#djangochannels, #websockets, #celery, #redis, #celeryredis, #channelredis,
#realtimeapp, #chatapp, #djangochatapp
This video is for you if you are looking for Django Channels 3 tutorials, or tutorials covered using websockets in Django app, Django Celery, Django Redis tutorials. This is an advanced Django tutorial (or Django advanced tutorial)
This Videos is about the use django channels and celery together and not a chat app.
This is not a beginner tutorial and some experience in channels is required.
#djangochannels, #websockets, #celery, #redis, #celeryredis, #channelredis,
#realtimeapp, #chatapp, #djangochatapp
This video is for you if you are looking for Django Channels 3 tutorials, or tutorials covered using websockets in Django app, Django Celery, Django Redis tutorials. This is an advanced Django tutorial (or Django advanced tutorial)
Django Channels 3 Tutorial -A real-time web application with Websocket, Celery and Redis, #channels
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