My Top 10 Biscuit Joiner Tips!

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Today I've got my personal top 10 biscuit joiner tips for you. Do you call it a biscuit joiner or a biscuit jointer? I call it a jointer but 'joiner' seems to get more hits on Google so I've used that instead. Also gets known as a plate joiner or plate jointer. I use the DeWalt DW682K biscuit joiner and it's great although it did take some initial tuning up to sort the accuracy (see my other vid). A biscuit joiner is used for providing a strong joint between two pieces of wood using a wooden 'biscuit' that's glued in to the slot created by the biscuit jointer. They're a very versatile way of joining wood together. Welcome back to the Gosforth Handyman Tips Library!

Here's some affiliate links to products I use or would consider using - read more about affiliate links at the bottom of this description:

DeWalt DW682K Biscuit Jointer:

Titebond II Wood Glue:


#GHTL #Joinery #Woodworking
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What a refreshing change to watch/listen to a video that's to the point, clearly explained, no unnecessary waffle and no crap music. If your other videos are the same I will be watching the lot. Well done, thank you. And you echo my sentiments exactly about dust extraction. I made the same comment when I 'discovered' it. Previously, I got so fed up with the bag clogging that I would use my DeWalt biscuit joiner without it but then it filled the workshop with dust. But with dust extraction connected absolutely no dust whatsoever.


As an absolute novice I really appreciate your explanations as to what you are doing. You are a very talented teacher and I hope to learn a lot more from you. I’ll let you know when I finish my first project. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for this video because you helped me fully understand all that this tool can do. I was confused but your tutorial helped me navigate on my own and I’m forever grateful!


Thank you. It's been a number of years since I've used my biscuit/plate joiner, and I couldn't remember how to SAFELY join the end of one board to the face of another board. I watched several introductory tutorials and none showed it being done. They only showed boards being joined along their lengths or the ends being mitered, but nothing of a board's end to another's face. Upon finding your video, your demonstration showed me what I needed to know very quickly. Thank you very much for your time and effort to share what you know.


My Son-in-law gave me a used Dewalt biscuit jointer.
This video definitely put me on the right direction...
Thank You So Much!!!
Chuck in Michigan


Really appreciate your tips and techniques, I just purchased a biscuit joiner and not too proud to realise I need strong safety tips as yours
I did stuff my initial joining up because I did not fully understand about references. Thankyou so much


i just bought one so this is a handy little video. they seem great little things to use and so quick compared to messing with dowels and jigs.


Great tips. Especially the 2 for one tip for joining 2 boards at 90 degrees with only one clamping.


Awesome vid very informative specially to one that's had a biscuit jointer in the case for ooh say 4 years now. Greatly appreciate your teaching techniques very comprehensive and every one of the tips you mentioned..
Cheers from Chicago USA


Mine doesn't get much use, but when you need one they are golden!Thanks for the refresher Andy👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Some great tips there for people interested in getting one of these units, especially the tip for deflecting the air vent eyeball duster.... 👍😂


Great informative video. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Great tips well explained. Thanks Andy!


I received a Fern biscuit jointer several years ago as a birthday present and love it.
I generally use it to make a piece longer, as I'm too tight / lazy to buy a longer length. The pieces fit perfectly aligned & flush.


A really helpful tutorial. Thanks. I note the air deflector and that there is a threaded hole next to the air vent. My immediate thought was to cut a piece of sheet material (aluminium, plastic or similar) and bolt it in position.


Well done, Mate; I appreciate your knowledge and time to explain the finer points. Have a lovely day, Cheers!


Great video very well explained in detail and ive seen it all now a remote controlled VAC


Once you said "easy peasy" I knew I was watching the right guy for tips. lol Thanks for the great video. You did make Biscuit jointing look "easy


Very interesting. Been woodworking 40 years and just got my first biscuit jointer (Ryobi Corded). Tired of using cauls to align boards for slabs.


Such a great vid. I got way more than 10 useful tips, even from some of your passing comments. Subbed.
