Should you buy a biscuit joiner?

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Biscuit joiners aren't useless if you know how and when to use them.
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And don't even get me started on dovetail jigs! 😄 Good points, James. Thanks for watching my videos! 👍


I love how you are always able respectfully present an opposing opinion, you share your viewpoint in a not confrontational constructive manner. That in and of it self is a valuable skill set. That said I saw both of Steve Ramsey videos on this subject I also was impressed with how willing he was to give the tool a second try and re evaluate his position. You both bring something a little different to the community but both bring value ! I enjoy and learn from both channels. So thank you. And for the record I have owned a Freud biscuit jointer for about 15 year, yes I bought because norm always seemed to use it . I doesn't come out often but when I reach for it shines. Besides the obvious strengthening mitered corners on trim work or attaching face frames, I actually use it on glued up table tops in conjunction with pocket screws I find it help keep the shifting out of plane when you drive the screw home. Not lending or selling it it will be right there on the shelf till I need it


One of my most valuable tools in the shop. I always use it on laminating panels or stair treads but especially like it on mitered joints and boxes. Bisquites and a machine are really inexpensive. In Canada a domino with a couple accessories is over $2000. I’m retired and not going to make that investment. Steve bought a cheap machine that didn’t work properly. Wouldn’t work without one. Also available is plastic, aluminum and click together biscuits. A tool that changed the cabinet industry. Cheers


I LOVE my biscuit jointer. Have used it on everything from door making, to window framing, and many of the other "usual suspects". I think they are brilliant. They also offer an alternative way to make spline if you don't have a table saw or router, and particularly on very large pieces where it's unruly, unrealistic to cut with either. Scott from Japan


I have been joining every leg to aprons with biscuits for over 20 years and never has one failed. Dozens of desks, tv stands, end tables, dressers, and book cases and never a failure; even with kids using them.


Several comments on this video from people who didn't even watch to the end before posting. 🙄 I appreciate having access to the guidance of both Steve's and James' channels, along with many others. It's especially nice that they listen to each other, discuss and respond in a friendly and respectful way, and provide us with the benefit of their various perspectives. As a novice to woodworking I find both Stumpy Nubs and WWMM invaluable. Thank you James and Steve. Think it's about time I bought some merch!


Kudos for acknowledging Steve’s follow up post. I enjoy watching the content you both produce and I respect you all the more for taking the time to point out that Steve beat you to it in updating his opinion.


I made my kitchen cabinet doors over 20 years ago. I made the cabinet door frames out of oak and joined them with biscuits, Instead of the joints being at 45 degree angles, I glued end grain of the vertical components to the long grain of the horizontal components. The door frames were machined to their final shape after the glue cured. In over twenty years the joints have never shown any signs of coming loose. They are just as tight as they were when I first made them.


Great tutorial. I would never be without a biscuit joiner in my shop.. equally, I never expect the biscuits to perform beyond their design limits. Use the tool correctly, and it becomes a great aid.


I have one and use it a lot making furniture, great for alignment and it does add some strength to the glue up.


even though i have a decent biscuit joiner, i use a biscuit sized router bit on my palm router most of the time. more dust, but it goes very quick and reliably.


You’re the Norm Abram of explaining woodworking my friend!!!! Your videos are always so helpful and informative.


All I use mine for is joining boards to keep them aligned, but it's extremely handy for that.


I use my biscuit jointer every now and then, it's come in really useful, they do have their limitations but the same can be said for all tools


I have been watching your channel for a couple of years now. I must say that you presented your views in a professional and respectful manner. I like the fact that you mentioned the owner of the video allowing people to check out Steve's video and presentation. I have the upmost respect for both you and Steve. Nice job both of you.


I'm on my second biscuit joiner. Don't under estimate the strength that they have. The more you use one the more you'll appreciate it


I watched Steve Ramsey's video and thought that was a pretty cavalier reaction. Just to let you know I am not a Norm fan boy but I had just come off a 200 bf glue up of 10' material and I didn't want to waste the time of using biscuits but after fighting the first two glue ups I decided to bring out the biscuit joiner. You still need to use cauls but what a difference it made to start the pieces together and when you push them together they almost align correctly. I do give Steve credit for watching his reviews and making another evaluation. If I had not of been working with $725 of wood I may have said that is good enough but when you have a tool that will possibly ease some of the pressure use it. Thanks for the follow up and please don't unsubscribe to woodworking for mere mortals because of this issue. Thanks for watching what is going on other channels and presenting a different angle. Much appreciated.


Great video, James. I love my biscuit joiner. It really helps with alignment, especially on longer pieces. I like putting my biscuits visually off center. This helps me make sure I've got the right sides up. Thank you.


I agree totally, l use a biscuit joiner and find it very useful but not in all applications. You presented a fair assessment and honest opinion in a respectful and polite manner.
