Is The Bible Accurate? | Professor Bart D. Ehrman Method

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According to The Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Christianity today is comprised of more than 45,000 denominations. Some sects believe in the trinity, others believe in modern miracles, some sects reject all modern conveniences while others operate as a get rich quick scheme, how do these denominations have such radical interpretations of the same text? Members of each denomination often say that the other sects are deceived, which temps one to ask the question if you are deceived, how would you know?

In this video, we take a historical approach to the bible and use tools of textual criticism to examine the evidence.

The technique used in this video is mentioned many times by Dr. Bart D Ehrman, who is the Grade A Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at Chapel Hill in North Carolina.

#christianity #history #bartehrman


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Oh, man! The world needs more people like you! Very nice job! Keep doing it!


I instantly subbed. This was excellent, please keep it up.


Keep at it! Doing a great job.
What software do you use?


Awesome! I've been looking for a succinct video like this that's easy to follow.


3:09 While it wasn't until 367 that we have the first reference to the official canon, the Diatesseron of Tatian tells us that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were considered canonical by 170. (The Diatesseron was a harmonizing of the four Gospels.)


Any book that's so riddled with contradictions, inhumane laws and pronouncements, unbelievably ridiculous stories, bad science (etc) that it needs so much (contradictory) interpretation is obviously extremely badly written and should not be taken seriously. Word of god my arse.


Bottom line...When people read the Bible, they interpret what they're reading as THEY understand it. If they are attending a church (at all) and they don't like what's being said, they simply shop around until they find a church and that tells them EXACTLY what they want to hear and what they believe. Conservative Baptism..yup there's a church for that. Liberal church that caters to the LGBTQ+ crowd, yup there's those too. No matter what the Bible (or Jesus says/said), "Christians" have a work-around/PR spin that covers anything and everything that people nowadays want to believe. Churches (and religion in general) are losing adherents left and right and in order to stop the bleeding of people (and money), they have to adjust to a continuously depleting believer pool. Churches are closing every week and people are leaving organized religion in droves (every poll has been showing this for years now).


Reality is excluded from theology and indoctrination.


Is historic reliability the goal of religion?


The bible is just a Bronze Age comic book.


The gospels say virtually nothing about Jesus' life, save the last few weeks leading up to his death. Other than this brief time period, there are only contradictory accounts of his birth and a single legendary story set when he was about 12 years old.

Fact is, we know almost nothing at all about him.


But the Bible says how important a solid foundation is, you picking apart the cornerstone of Jesus death and resurrection like that? Atheism is amazing I guess


I believe that God will provide!
Im keeping Faith in Jesus praying he will carry me through because I want to give up. I declined the vaccine so I was fired from my job. I declined it because of pre existing health conditions (Lupus) I’m a single mother with two children I don’t know how I’m going to provide for them the pandemic already drained me financially last year. We barely have food. I’m so ashamed I have nowhere to turn. Please pray for me. I’m holding fast to my faith! Walking with Faith, not by sight!


It's funny watching this video because it gives the impression that the gospels are pretty bad historically and then I remember . Oh yes now compare it to other ancient writings around its time and this criticism falls apart


Strip away the Bible. Now explain our existence. Good luck !!
