Artificial Intelligence: Real Promise and Real Peril

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The recent and rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence has created both excitement and concern. Although AI has the potential to make life more convenient, it also has the potential to create catastrophic destruction. As nations like Russia, North Korea, and Iran look to potentially weaponize AI, the United States must figure out ways to mitigate the potentially devastating risks associated with this new technology while pursuing innovation that allows America to remain at the forefront of AI innovation.

Philip Zelikow is the Botha-Chan Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution.

Check out more from Philip Zelikow:

The opinions expressed in this video are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hoover Institution or Stanford University. © 2024 by the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University.
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Of course Zelikow mentions 9/11… This dude is so insecure about people knowing he helped mastermind the “commission report” cover-up that he has to constantly re-tell the official story, as if to make it more true by mere repetition.


Israel’s use of AI programs such as “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy” have significantly increased the civilian dead in Gaza.


A great example of what should be an a-partisan issue. Certain fundamentals should be recognized by Congress as sort of ... Darwinian and essential. Our first lesson was chemical weapons, and then the atomic revolution, and now AI. Or whatever. It will not stay in the box. Better we be there to dominate it and manage that space with our values.

Our values.

We aren't nationalists. We're patriots. We make a pledge to the Constitution, and we honor the offices by respecting the citizens holding those jobs. As best we can. Sometimes those citizens themselves challenge our respect for the office. But we're patriots, and we understand the power of democracy, particularly as designed in our Constitution.


It sounds like we need to pray! To achieve what is truly best for the common good instead of our self will take more than we have proven to be capable. Especially, in an ever increasingly more interconnected, complex world of growing often conflicted selves. Maranatha.


What is good or bad AI? Or are we talking about people? How are we going to continue incentivizing the wrong people to do the right things?


Government “insight” that’s an oxymoron 😮.


This video is dumb - There is no such thing as AI!
What people are referring to as AI are Large Language Models (LLMs), which is hyped up linear algebra that can't really produce anything useful.
They're half decent assistants, nothing more. It's another hype and a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money.

"The I in LLM stands for intelligence"
