The Ins and Outs of My Two (and only two) Decluttering Questions

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The fourth step in my No Mess Decluttering Process is asking my two decluttering questions. Q1: If I needed this item, where would I look for it first? Q2: If I needed this item, would it ever occur to me that I already had one? In this video, I give further clarification and thoughts on this step.

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Dana, one of the best results of following your program is one you don't mention as far as I have noticed. You always say take it there now during the decluttering. The huge benefit of that that I have found comes from having that thought in my head the rest of the time. Somehow I never processed that the thing I just set wherever was going to need to be picked up later. When I do the five minute pick up I have to put it away. The huge change has been, now, before I even set it down, I think, Oh, I can actually take it there now and skip all of the future decluttering and 5 minute pickups. My mantra has become take it there now and the messes never appear. Thank you so


Dana has helped so many people in our family with her 5 steps! Our family's homes have been transformed!


I like that you brought up the financial aspect. It helps to acknowledge that yes, money was spent on the item. And YES, I value a decluttered and functional space. That functionality is worth money to me.


I had a professional organizer help me put things where they "should" go and then I couldn't find them. "Where would I look for this first?" changed everything and TAKE IT THERE NOW guarantees I don't have to think about a thing again, touch it again and my space is tidier. The final bonus is that it is there when I need it, wherever "there" is.

P.S. Reid didn't do the scrolly thing at the end of the video, so we don't know what he was hoping!


Hi Dana, I love the no mess decluttering method. Before, I would pull everything out and left with piles that never got finished, so I just want to say thank you


I grew up with my mom always telling me to give things a home. And it would frustrate me because it didn't matter if I gave something at home. I would not remember where the home was when i needed it. This metodwas was the first time that things had a home and I knew where they were.


I’m a congenitally organized person with minimalist tendencies who uses these 5 tools and finds them life changing!


You are such a writer! I learned this stuff innately as a kid so I could feel control in an unstable childhood. It's helped me a lot since (I'm 38 now) and over the years I've worn myself out trying to explain my systems to others. I watch your channel for comfort like Last Week Tonight: you say stuff that I know but can't communicate effectively, so I feel less crazy hearing a well articulated person describe. This is a GREAT video. Thank you.❤


The struggle of taking the item to where you know it belongs/would look for it first and THAT space needs decluttering... ugh. It was helpful when you said to go ahead and remove something from that space to make room for the found item. Simple, but not so simple for some of us still working on it. Thanks Dana for diving a bit deeper into the process!


This is the first method that finally worked for me. After raisng a family I was left with so much stuff that family members no longer wanted. I have made so much progress that I was able to move (what had filled our four bedroom home) into a temporary storage unit while we finished our new smaller home. I can not thank you enough. It's still an on going process but I know what to do. I find it so much easier now. Thank you Dana for creating this method and helping so many!


You're one of the most realistic declutterer on YouTube.


New subscriber here. I have a friend who has a company that organizes people's lives including but not limited to their "stuff". I want you all to know this service is VERY VERY EXPENSIVE to hire. I figure that I can organize my life now for free to do it by myself. I just turned 62 and took my social security now in order to do things like declutter and organize my life while I am young enough and able bodied to do it. I am happy to be here to learn the right way to go about it.


This is so valuable. We've been pummelled by bad storms including 5 days with no electricity. Having the 'where would I look for this' is so helpful because we could quickly assemble camping equipment to get us through.


I’m so delighted with myself when I go to find things and they’re in the first place I look. It feels sooo good! I have a little celebration every time!


I have a curly one for you Dana…. Ten years ago I had to leave my house, put my whole house contents into storage, and I moved into my daughter’s for 3 months…… And stayed 10 years!  
I have gradually taken stuff out, especially my piano, when Covid hit, because I didn’t know what the future would hold, and I wasn’t going to lose that. I’ve downsized the storage shed 3 sizes, but there’s still a lot left in there! I’ve moved into a share house and although my bedroom’s a great size, I love the space and don’t want much more stuff in it…. So my dilemma is, how do I go about decluttering my storage shed? Do I get rid of the junk overall, eg boxes and newspapers, or do the whole 5 steps with one box? I can’t take things to their designated rooms…. So obviously most things will be donations. These things are my precious things, and I’ve felt like my life has been on hold for 10 years because I’ve been missing my books (I’ve bought a lot of replacements) and my art studio, artwork, family heirlooms. They were all precious when I packed them. But there is also a lot of junk now, after all this time, as well. I have also just retired, so I actually have time now, physically and mentally, to finally deal with this shed. I’m just not clear of the process of all this….. Any advice?


Love the fancy thumbnail Dana and Reid! ❤


Dana, Thank you for going over these questions for the millionth time! You're right, it's a very nuanced question!


Love, love, love Dana and her method. I used to think I was her only Fan Girl (who wants her to be my best friend 😉), but apparently, I'm not the only one. 😂


I am inspired to follow this great advice, and at 64 years old, after years of living in a house that is full of stuff I don't see from one year to the next, but find it almost impossible to get rid of, it is going to be tough, because for reasons I cannot understand I am attached to my things, and the things from my two boys when they were growing up. My house is not a home, I've even joked I wish it would burn down, to give me a fresh start. I've decided I will fill in a notebook as I go, and write down every single item I find a new home for, and exactly where it is now located. This will take less time overall than feeling frantic, and turning the house upside down, as I will have moved so many things I may not have any idea where to start looking in future. I think having everything listed will be better than relying on memory, as long as I leave the notebook out where I see it every day. If I lost that, I'd be in a mess. Very very helpful video. Thank you. Going to stop procrastinating and start tomorrow. Luckily, I have a loft, so stuff I'm agonising about too much can go up there. Maybe I'll put some music on to take some of the pain out of it. Thanks again. 😊


Im getting more organized, just by decluttering. You make this so much easier.

My son asked for an item on display. I let him have it. He was so happy. Before I would have said no.My house is looking better everyday.
