Jonathan Cahn reveals Christmas Mysteries – Messiah’s Birth the most Jewish Thing

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Why are there two genealogies of Messiah in Matthews and Luke? Messiah must have come from the line of David, but what happened to the Kings of Juda? Why had there to be a virgin birth? Jonathan Cahn gives amazing answers. What does all this tell us? That God is so perfect!

This video section was aired by the Jim Bakker Show on the 24th December 2018.

Watch also:
Jonathan Cahn – Christmas Mystery: Messiah's Birthday is Nissan 1:

The Mystery of Messiah Jesus and the Goel:

The Revelation of the Bethlehem Mysteries:

The Royal line from King David to Messiah Yeshuah (Jesus) and the Virgin Birth:
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Wow, wow, and wow. I love how Jonathan is able to reveal the mysteries of the Scriptures. Thank you, my Jesus, for anointed servants who are willing to hear and obey our voice.


Omg I’ve never heard a message of Christmas like this. Wow thank you brother Jonathan and God bless you and your ministry


This is thrilling to hear. Thank you Rabbi Cahn. God knows what He's doing.


I love listening to u Rabbi Chan. With the help of a couple of Rabbi's & going back thru my families lineage we've discovered that our lineage goes all the way back to King David and The Tribe of Judah.


By listening to this message I’m lifted up thank you I needed! praise the Yeshua Jesus Messiah’s Name Amen thank you great minister and author Rabbi Jonathan God bless y🙏✝️


Whether it's 2018 or now Dec. 2020 Jesus Christ is Our true King, Lord and Savior and deserves All of our love and respect and honor. God Bless All of You at the Jim Bakker Show and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and your family. Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year +


I love Rabbi Cahns preaching. I understand it finally.


I don't understand why people are mad... Jonathan Cahn said in Bakker's show on November 15, 2012, that Jesus was born in the month of Nissan (March).

3:12 He said it doesn't mean its going to be Dec. 25th


Glory Hallelujah thank you Father God for loving us unconditionally that you gave us your beloved Son to save us


You are a blessings. Thank you Jonathan Cahn god is blessings you. Keep sharing


A living Bible Exposition
And a commentary
Praise the Lord


Glory to Yeshua Jesus Messiah’s name Amen 🙏 Thank you Lord for this show and Rabbi Jonathan bless and protect them Amen . Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be all the earth . Psalm 57:11


Don't you love being taught about such a "Holy Holiday" while they have a lit up Christmas tree in the background, presents, and reindeer decorations?


Christmas is a pagan holiday started in Babylon with the Catholics also when they first came to America Christmas celebration was forbidden. This will be the first time in my life and im 58 that i will no longer celebrate christmas becouse it is a pagan holliday. My family supports my desision, i just feal its wrong God says do not conform to the ways of the world we are set apart and we need to act like it. Please correct me if im wrong?


Christmas came about from Greek and Roman idols. The appointed times are spiring and autumn and are about Yehoshua. He is the Lamb of God, born in Bethlehem where the sacrificial lambs were born, in the spring


WHY DON'T THEY CELEBRATE ON THE CORRECT DAY ??? WHY WON'T JONATHAN TELL THEM THAT !!!! GOD IS A GOD OF TRUTH !!! Why say we are celebrating Christ Birthday on a day that is NOT his TRUE BIRTHDAY ???


So sick of everyone complaining about date's, CHRISTmas is a celebration for God sending His Son take the time to praise Him and use it to speak to others about Jesus. Stop being a pharisiacal Christian 😢


Yeshua wasn't born on Dec 25. Period! Everyday is a reason to celebrate Yeshua in spirit and in truth. Celebrate the feasts as commanded by Yahuah. As new creations We as believers must celebrate HIM (Yeshua) as a life style by doing His will, living a holy life, loving eachother, praying, worshipping studying the WORD, so that we can be LIKE HIM. Take the phallus symbols out of your homes. Do not partake of this paganism called christmas.


I just LOVE your explanations! We as christians can learn so much more from Jewish rabbi's like you❤


I have watched SEVERAL teachers discussing the day that Christ was born. I have seen January 6, March 20, June 2, June 17, June 20, August 19, September 11, October 24, and December 25. Many of these have VERY GOOD reasons for their diagnosis. I wonder if those that had adopted a child that had no " official " birthdate, would they just ignore the the childs birthday, or come up with an alternative??? That being said, I feel that the Celebration of the birth of Christ, whatever the day you choose is important. As long as you Celebrate and glorify the birth, life, death, and resurection of our Wonderful Redeemer. Some don't even celebrate The Resurection of Christ on Easter....Don't celebrate the RESURECTION OF CHRIST....The most IMPORTANT day in the history of the planet !!, Without the resurection, we become dirt.... I guess some people are never satisfied. Come on... Praise the LORD, glorify Christ for HIS wonderful blessings
