Strategy and Data Alignment

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Webinar with McKinley Advisors and Association Analytics presenting key findings from the data and analytics report. Webinar was hosted on 10/21/2020.

mckinley and a2 recently completed this work you know the focus for us really
was on understanding how you all are using your data within your associations
what is what do you find to be the strength weaknesses challenges that sort of thing in your
day-to-day use of data information and really we wanted to see how
things have matured for all of you it is a very fast-moving field there are new technologies and use
cases every single day and we realize that can be a little bit bewildering
exasperating if you're not you know in the line of business of working with these technologies like a2 is and so for
us it's really a chance to come together not only learn how all of you have used these
technologies but also through our webinar today to encourage some conversation around
you know what are your challenges and how have you dealt with them to that end i'd like to encourage you as julie and david both
mentioned just please share your thoughts in the chat function julie will kind of pipe those over to
us as we move along and that's one of the ways that this webinar can really be useful so we've
divided this up into three different components the first one today is on
strategy how are we using data to support organizational strategy david and i are going to talk through
just a couple of data points from the study and we'll give you lots of anecdotes and a good handful of recommendations as
well part two of our webinar series involves operationalizing data and
analytics so literally you know what how do you measure data what's a good data governance
policy to make sure that you're getting the most out of it you could think about today as what are
the right business questions operationalizing data is how do you measure that data
and then the third piece of the series is really informing a more specific use case actually
using data to drive member and customer experiences so that'll be a little bit more granular
hope you can join us for all three this data is based on a study that we
ran earlier this year end of february early march and this was really just if memory
serves on the cusp of covid on the cusp of the pandemic coming out so it really reflects viewpoints at
that point in time we had about 180 responses to a survey
where we did have the opportunity to ask about all of these trends and the survey was of all of you it was
mckinley an association analytics database so this reflects you know association executives and
staff and just a range of viewpoints i do want to name that sort of elephant
in the room which is that the pandemic when it hit really shook things up for all of us i in from my perspective one of the
ways that it's impacted me personally the most in a professional sense at least is that decisions seem to come
all that much quicker nowadays you might think that dependent on its face slowed down business well
there are just so many more challenges so many more decisions to make and it's really forced us to get very focused on delivering value as associations and making sure
that we're always on point with both of our data as well as our decision making
so just to acknowledge that david has a little bit of anecdotal pieces to his presentation where he's gonna talk us through some of the trends that association
analytics has seen and how associations have really been affected by all this and what it means
for their data strategies as well
yeah some talk with us talk to you guys a little bit around you know why data analytics you know what are we seeing what is the business case for analytics as we talked about this is about strategy and you know they're
my experience all the different places that i've worked and worked with in the consulting world and now and
working in a data analytics group you know there's just that frustrating history of dealing with
so many disconnected data sources and the inability to get you know good data and not just
you know from everything from your everyday reporting needs to that ability to tie things to true strategic decision-making processes
it's been something that i know organizations have struggled with for many many years one of the things i
can you know i like to go down memory lane a little bit but i can think back eight or nine years ago when you know
a handful of people in conjunction with asa's tech council just a lot of conversations and um
sitting there having conversations with reggie and others around you know when if we could shift and really put data at the center of
everything we did and really empower our staffs to have more access to data
to be able to look at analytics as a way to drive everything drive our decision making drive our strategy
drive our programs and products and services and really have good insight and intel
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