Finding Nemo Theme

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Finding Nemo belongs to Disney/Pixar
Score composed my Thomas Newman
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This always brings me to tears and I can't explain why


Without a doubt, Pixar’s greatest and most emotional film.


"I promise, I won't let anything happen to you... Nemo..."


one of the most beautiful themes ever created


I would do anything to be 8 years old again.


This theme is just… devastating in the best way. “Daddy’s here, Daddy’s got you.” It’s just such an incredible depiction of loss and finding healing and purpose in who and what you have left. And I remember rewatching this title sequence even as a kid the title popping up and the strings playing over it and it really hitting me like wow… this is Marlin’s story. And yeah it’s about a fish lol… but the story beneath it is incredibly strong and somber and sad and gorgeous. The dad who crossed the whole ocean to find his kid, a kid who he already saved once, but who also saved him when he was the only one left to be his surviving family. The love ❤ friggin Pixar making me sob over pixels


I once had a near death experience, and when I was in the hospital my life flashed before my eyes. This was the song that was playing in the background and it still brings me to tears to this day.


God Bless Thomas Newman. Such beauty. Brings me to tears every time.


“It’s okay, daddy’s here. I promise, I won’t let anything ever happen to you... Nemo.”😭


I never actually realized until just now how emotional and beautiful this track is…wow. Thomas Newman is amazing.


You’re a little kid, in grade school

Dad picks you up

Stops at a convenient store to fill up gas and buy cigarettes

Dad let’s you get a drink (my favorite was chocolate milk)

You’re home

Dad is on his computer

You’re drinking your chocolate milk while sitting on the couch watching finding Nemo.

Going to bed, laughing at your favorite funny scenes

*14 years later*

Im 21, living with my girlfriend

We watch finding Nemo together looking back on childhood memories

Working and trying to save money

Parents look the same, mom is still beautiful, dad is still a stud
and a badass. Only difference is they now have grey hair

You realize you’re a 21 year old man with responsibilities and you’re parents are getting older.

Your attitude and personality has to grow up, but life welcomes you to keep your heart young.

Message to everyone: keep your lucky fin up 💙


I can’t stress how much this song means to me. It brings back so many memories that I never thought I would feel again. Life gets harder as you get older and you don’t realize how much better your childhood until you hear musical masterpieces such as this one. It really takes me back and I’m typing through tears at the moment. Truly amazing.


I watched Finding Nemo with my son yesterday when Coral Died and this started playing my son hugged me and tears started rolling down his face I asked him what was wrong and he said "because what if something like that happened to you Mum?" I told him that me getting eaten by a Barracuda was highly unlikely since I am huge compared to a Barracuda


0:53 this part hits me in the feels, so good


I've lived near the ocean my whole life. I think this would be an appropriate song to play at my funeral. This song is so beautiful ❤


The Lion King, Ice Age and Nemo... by far one of the best movies..


Being a child is easy, you can be whatever you want

Growing up is hard, because you must find yourself in all the mess around you.

Just like malin’s son


This could make anyone cry, it's so beautiful.


Man.. idk why but I suddenly had the urge to listen to this song and im glad I did. I burst into tears when the song picked up and it’s probably a mix of nostalgia but also just processing that my parents from when I was little are so different than now. My dad has become an entirely different person and went from loving and caring to just so mean and self centered. This song reminds me of the sweet relationship between Nemo and his dad and I used to associate their bond with the bond I have with my parents (esp my dad). It’s so fricking saddening to not be able to do that anymore. This song is so incredible though, and it really just takes me back. :)


Its one of those songs where you realize you gotta grow up #2020Update: I was 20 when I posted this. Just turned 24 a couple days ago. Time sure does fly.. Nevertheless, I never thought many shared similar feelings about transitioning to adulthood. But for those who just got out of high school. You’ll find that life has so much to offer. The bullshit and blessings I experience these past 4 years.. It’s not something you can teach nor imagine. But you just gotta see it for yourself. Whoever is still coming back to this comment, I hope you live one hell of an adventure. Keep swimming 🤙
