Ikigai The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García

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Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García

Summary :
The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai – a reason to jump out of bed each morning. And according to the residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa – the world’s longest-living people – finding it is the key to a longer and more fulfilled life. Inspiring and comforting, this book will give you the life-changing tools to uncover your personal ikigai. It will show you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, nurture friendships and throw yourself into your passions.
As a subcategory of Self-Improvement nonfiction, Personal Growth books are written to help readers untrain bad habits, learn new ones, and put new practices into action with the overall intent to positively change their lives. Often offering an assessment in the readers skills, qualities, and ambitions, the books also give readers a roadmap or checklist of ways to change their behaviors and meet their goals. Personal Growth books cover a variety of topics, from mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and physical improvement. The actual content of the books are as varied as the others themselves—from Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert to Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Wayne W. Dyer to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey. Personal Growth is as varied as the goals of its readers looking for change in their lives. No matter what you’re looking to develop and enhance in your life, Personal Growth books offer understanding, reflection, and actionable advice in how to get rid of bad habits and develop better ones.
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