Why so few buttons?! iFlight Commando 8 RC Controller review

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00:00:00 - The iFlight Commando8 is finally here!
00:00:53 - All these radios run OpenTX or EdgeTX
00:02:34 - Commando8 has very few switches
00:05:50 - SD card and USB port
00:06:40 - Internal battery
00:07:08 - Non-standard gimbal stick ends

What a difference alternative stick ends can make!

00:08:10 - Gimbal quality

How to calibrate your gimbals the RIGHT way:

How much better are the AG01 gimbals for Zorro, really?

00:10:56 - Commando8 available RF modules
00:15:59 - Please consider supporting this content!
00:17:04 - T-Pro has highest output power
00:18:44 - Zorro has more switches and biggest screen
00:20:14 - Commando8 doesn't have trainer port
00:20:37 - Price comparison
00:21:24 - My personal pick would be...

My review of the Zorro:

My review of the T-Pro:
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If you absolutely need/want ELRS then get the cheapest Zorro option without ELRS and buy an external ELRS module.
As a piece of hardware, in my opinion its absolutely outstanding and provides the best bang for your buck, considering all the switch/button options and the bigger screen. (ignore what anyone says about the strangely small sized batteries, a full charge can last for several hours of flying... if you're the kind of person to bring with you tens of flight packs to get you flying for that amount of time, then there's no problem simply also bringing with you spare batteries for your radio)

The reason I say get a radio without ELRS but buy a ELRS module is that you don't really want to be "locked in" to a specific bit of ELRS hardware. The Devs are working hard and evolving ELRS all the time, and at some point the project will outgrow older TX hardware and you'll have to choose between using old ELRS firmware or upgrading the radio again.

If you get a radio that can accept an external ELRS module (like the Zorro), you will ALWAYS be able to stay abreast of the latest developments and new hardware, for a relatively low cost (a new ELRS module instead of a whole new radio).

Just my view on things 👍


Doesn't the Zorro updated the max power to 500mW through firmware update?


8:37 a nano drone just flew left of Joshua's head.


after years of your videos im building my first quad, also getting the baby ape. thanks a bunch for the knowledge ! I learn sum every time !


You forgot the "new" v2 Jumper t-lite with built in elrs. That is an option again too.


I prefer the Tango 2 with the Happymodel slim. Best of both worlds and a much better radio than this.


Isn't it just a TBS Tango 2 that looks more like the DJI FPV controller?


I like my ELRS 1 Watt module. Until radios start coming with 1 Watt internal modules, I think there's a compelling argument to use an external module for ELRS.


Happy I bought the Zorro as a first controller. Did it after seeing your review. So Thanks!


Good Insights Joshua.

I use for my daily driver the Zorro radio, after starting with the Jumper T-Lite. I like the gamepad style and hate the giant box style of the TX-16S so I had been waiting for a quality radio. Gamepad style does not have to equal cheap. I bought the CC2500 version, tricked it out with the new set of AG01 Gimbals, added a Happymodel ELRS Slim Pro module for my radio links and attached a 2s battery to the bottom to fix the battery problem. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny as the quality and power I have over just a stock ELRS version is way worth it.

Those of you looking for a quality gamepad style radio should look into doing the same. Don't buy just the stock ELRS version. With ELRS' dynamic power, its nice to know I can go to a full watt when needed.

For those of us that like the gamepad style its nice to have options instead of being told (like we so often are) "just go get a TX16S durr." Although in my mind there is only one good option, and the Zorro is it.


Love the goofy intros you've been doing. Great content as always!


"much like if you are familiar to Windows or Mac OS"
MFW he doesnt mention Linux 😢


I feel like all of these radios have too many compromises to really be worth picking up right now. My primary radio is currently a TX16S MK2 with ELRS, and a full 2W crossfire module. My secondary radio is a Tango 2 Pro with a HappyModel Slim Pro Tx and the boost board so 1W works.

The Zorro IMO would be pretty much perfect if it had a color screen (I don’t care much about touch), and at a *minimum*, 18500 batteries. Using 18350 cells makes the radio pretty much a hard pass for me. I know I can strap a battery to it, but that’s true of just about any radio. It’s not something I’d be willing to do every time I want to go fly, and I’m usually either on the simulator or out flying for much more than an hour. (Sim is a big deal to me since RadioMaster seems to refuse to make the data USB-C port also work for charging).

The T-Pro really should have come with at least a single two position switch on it (though I think you can buy one as an accessory now, that replaces one of the momentary switches?). Other than that, the T-Pro is okay, but I’d really like the ability to put nicer gimbals on it, in the way the Zorro has the AG01 gimbals. Additionally, I am a pincher so the Zorro seems to really be the only one of the compact radios that would support pinching.

The Commando is too small for me overall, and it seems to me like it’s essentially a smaller version of the T-Pro, with even fewer features, which means it’s a very hard pass for me.


I personally run a tbs tango 2 and I would definitely recommend it I’ve never had a fail safe and I’ve done some sketchy stuff with it


Had same bouncing back on the bottom of the throttle, adjustment screw helped with that. Gimbals actually quite good.


I just wanna say Mr. Bardwell that when i made my iFlight purchase last year, this video helped me immensely decide which options to go with for my intended flying. As always JB, you are a wealth of knowledge. 👊🇺🇸 📻


Another great video... thank you!
I got the Commando 8 with the Chimera 7 Pro as a package from iFlight. I opted for 915mhz version which came with a 1W module installed. As far as using it with the Chimera... I love it - no complaints so far (mine doesn't have the spongy throttle gimbal like yours). I will likely use it with other quads as well.
I tend to agree with your review overall... having a few more switches/buttons would be nice. However, I can see where this stripped down form factor may be a nice option for someone just getting into the hobby that doesn't want to worry about fat-fingering a switch when the nervous jitters kick in.


I absolutely 100% love my Zorro so glad I bought it🙏🙏🙏


Zorro hands down better. I would not buy a Iflight product period.


Hey Joshua, thanks for the video. Just a quick comment on your comment "It's best to get a radio with the radio link built in". I don't feel that is entitly true. Take the Radiomaster TX16S MK2 for example with built in ELRS. Its maximum output is 250MW. If somone buys the 4in1 then they can buy the 1W ELRS module for it and have a lot more options. Granted it's more money but I'd go for a 1W ELRS module for the extra 40 bucks with the benefit of 4-1 radio links over a 250MW ELRS link. Maybe it's a personal preference but 250MW isn't that good for penetration compared to 1W signal. Just my thoughts. 🙌
