The Spirit and Sanctification - A Sermon on Romans 8:16
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In his sermon on Romans 8:16 titled “The Spirit and Sanctification,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers an important question: what does it mean to be sanctified and how does the process of sanctification come about? Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that sanctification comes after salvation and after the Christian’s spirit has been testified by the Spirit of God. This moment in the believer's life is when they become part of God’s family, just as He set apart the Jews in the Old Testament. Dr. Lloyd-Jones gives a sturdy definition of sanctification as the process in which a Christian progressively becomes cleansed of sin. This definition raises another question, he says: When is a believer sanctified? Some parties claim the process is instantaneous, occurring right after a person is saved. No, Dr. Lloyd-Jones says. There is a difference between justification and sanctification. For if all believers were sanctified at the moment of faith, what purpose does the instruction of the Bible serve? In closing, he reminds the Christian of when they were justified through Christ, aware of God’s grace and the weight of their sin. Dr. Lloyd-Jones points toward sanctification – a process every believer goes through.