The Process of Sanctification

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Day 19: The work of sanctification (holiness) is when what was done on the inside of me is worked out; my new nature becomes an outward reality in the way I live.

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Grateful for you John. Your teachings have had and continue to have a profound impact on my life. Thank You God, for John 🙌


I've been a Christian for about 49 years and am just now getting a concept of sanctification.


God has just answered my question with this video a second later


Grace empowers us to live a life of holiness
As believers We need to choose the fear of the Lord and allow the Blessed Holy Spirit to teach us the fear of the Lord and to delight in the fear of the Lord
His Grace enables us to worship Him in awe and holy reverence and with fear and trembling
We need to learn to delight in the fear of God even us Jesus delighted in the fear of God


Amen the fear of God is so powerful and I give my all to him in Jesus Christ name I pray amen


Oh, My Dearest Lord and Master, contemplating your face is the blessedness of everyone who has a pure heart, I humbly ask you for the greatest Treasure that a human being can constantly have in his heart and can remain pure; Your Fear that leads me to love what you love and hate what you hate and remain continually purified to be truly yours forever!


Such a great chapter!

I am "working out" (working outward) my salvation with holy fear and trembling, from the Inside ➡️ Out. Salvation I received inwardly. Now I must do my part to reflect that salvation outwardly.

I finally get it! Thank you John!


This video opened my eyes. Thank You 🙏🏾


Powerful truth! Thanks for this lesson


What is the best way to get ones relationship with Jesus to such a place where you are so aware of Him that you don't slip up. Much like you would be on your best behaviour around your partner because you are terrified of losing him. You want to do your best to keep him happy and with you. I'm guessing it is fostering that intimacy through prayer, worship and time in his word regularly - multiple times a day. Becoming aware of his presence. I lost that feeling when I recently went through a very busy season and got burnt out. Started to self soothe which I've repented for. I pray I will grow from it and finish the race ❤️ In the mighty name of Jesus 🙌


We are santified by the Holy Spirit but we have to yield to Him. Listen for His voice and obey.


This is what AB Simpson teaches as Full Uttermost Salvation vs Partial Salvation, Our main goal is not to enter heaven which is what Partial Salvation really is but our ultimate goal is to embrace Holiness as we go deeper in fellowshiping with Him.

Human wisdom based theology tries to separate sanctification from salvation when the fact is both are one and the same, both are received, maintained and developed by personal choice to agree with God's covenant and above of all without sanctification there's no fullness of salvation .


This chapter really clarified a lot for me, in terms of your position. That last few chapters seemed almost judgemental. But, that man who says he can't live a celibate life, or the woman who actively cheats on her husband because he's away, makes clear what is going on in your writing of the past few chapters. These people don't even have a desire of Holiness. You can't be a true Christian and just be like "Oh, it's not possible to live a celibate life, and that's not the main thing I even want to talk about", or "I'm cheating on my husband, should I tell him?", as if getting advice on such things is your main concern. Like what? Really?

Our spirit is both justified and sanctified by faith in Jesus. Our flesh is not, but a true Christian has a desire for it to be in alignment with the Spirit. Flagrant sin, where we just choose sin, is an indicator that they aren't even saved, let alone having the fear of God. An unsaved person doesn't have the fear of God. I understand people can make mistakes, and sin. What I don't understand is their lack of caring that they have made those mistakes. e.g. If you did fall into sin, you'd be trying to avoid it from that point forward.


This is a great example of one who has no clue of what took place at the Cross of our salvation.
