Authentication & Authorisation in Microservices Short
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Authentication & Authorisation in Microservices
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Authentication in microservices
Authentication & Authorisation Microservices Short,
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It’s very critical to provide authentication and authorization security to the microservices apps, when they communicate with each other. Mostly, microservices are exposed as REST APIs in distributed environments. REST APIs are stateless. It’s challenging to maintain client sessions with backend REST APIs. A strong API security mechanism is required to communicate between consumer and producer microservices. This API token security pattern provides a better Authentication & Authorization (A&A) service and maintains a session between client and backend REST APIs. For example, web/mobile clients connect to the API gateway first, which is a single point of entry of backend REST API microservices. The following diagram depicts how to get the API token by passing the access token to the authorization server which could be JWT/OAuth and get the API token to access backend APIs. Web/mobile clients will add this API token to the REST request call in the form of an HTTP request header and pass it to other backend services after A&A:
There are multiple open source and enterprise solutions to implement the API token security. OAuth and JavaScript Web Token (JWT) are popular, which create encrypted tokens and encrypt other information like user details, roles, and other key-value pairs. There is a provision to also add the expiry time of the API token. This token is generated by the server-side A&A service on demand. It can be added to a client’s service REST API header during the inter-microservice communication. This token is authenticated and validated for the expiry time on every request and then authorized to connect to backend business services and databases. So, with a design pattern, only authorized services can be granted access to microservices APIs. The API gateway is a recommended way to expose all backend microservices to client services like mobile, web, and other clients. It provides a single point of entry to the backend APIs. It uses this API access token internally to get access. It internally integrates with the access token API. Advantages The advantages are as follows: Secures inter-communication between microservices. Provides secure and strong encrypted authorization. Also provides user roles, which can be checked and accessed at the backend authorization service. Tokens can be encrypted with a strong encryption algorithm and expiry time.
Access token can be also created to access a new security token, if it’s expired. Use cases The use cases are as follows: User login authentication. User role authorization like admin, read only access, and so on. Use the API gateway with microservices.