20 Cities That Will Actually Pay You To Move There

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You can make a LOT of money simply moving to different areas in the United States.

Did you know there’s places that will PAY you to move there? It’s true. And with people working from home right now, it’s all the rage. Move where you want. Get outta that bad city you’re in. Who cares about your kids, friends and commitments. They’ll make NEW ONES.

No in all seriousness - there’s actually a lot of places all over the country that will pay you to move there. Sometimes it’s cash, sometimes it’s tax credits. It might be money towards a new home or even FREE LAND. The concept isn’t really new - cities have been offering companies all sorts of perks to relocate to their communities for a long time now. But today, cities are going straight to you and me and dangling money hoping you take the bait. Why? Cause you’ll spend money there and pay all these new taxes, too. It’s an investment.

They call these communities Zoom towns now because, well people who work from home have the freedom and flexibility to go anywhere. Many of us are looking for places that are safe, affordable and well, different. Cause, ANYTHING is better than this, right?

Did you know that every year, 1 in 10 Americans moves? You may have been one of them last year. But did you get PAID to move where you went? We’re going to talk about ALLL the different cities and towns that have somewhat enticing offers to get you to plop down there. Is there a catch? Kinda. There’s always fine print. And, as we’ll discover, SOME of these cities and towns aren’t necessarily very...exciting. Cause a place that’s AMAZING doesn’t need to bribe people to move there, right? Let’s begin.

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Only $5K a year to life in Baltimore and they only select 20 people. The city needs to make it $25K and free security alarm to live in that city.


Interesting and fun video with great narrative, thanks for sharing Nick n Sage 👍🇺🇲


Imagine being 39 and your papers got delivered a day late and now you're 40. "Sorry old fart, drop dead."


You are always so funny !+ Thanks, .... good info


Do not move to Baltimore. Do not go anywhere near Baltimore.


No places for old people. But hey, if you're young, work from home at a tech job, and build a new house (average cost today about $400, 000.00) we'll give you $10, 000.00! Ahhh . . . no thanks.


I could drink $2, 000 worth of coffee a year. Have you seen the price of Strarbucks lately? ☕☕☕


Yeah, great, but what about us old burnt out retirees?


I'm on disability for seizures. I just want to find a cabin in the woods somewhere


For people commenting about the places that don’t want anyone over 40 to move there. If you are under 40 odds are you either have children or will be having children. That means the local schools will receive a boatload of money from the state for each child you put into the school system. Also, people with kids generally stay put for 10 or more years which keeps the tax base stable. It’s always about the money, always look for who’s getting paid. That’s where you will find the answers to your questions lol


As a general rule, things cost what they're worth. There's always a catch.


Nick. Could you help BRANDON relocate ? Thank you


Iowa people seem nice! 😊 I thought the Iowa guy was going to hang up on you. 😂


❌ Remote worker
❌ Make more than $30k
❌ Under age 40
❌ Student loans
❌ Build a home
❌ Young professional
❌ Tech worker

I'm feeling so unloved 😥 No one paying for somewhat educated, low income, welfare recipients 😒


I love it when you call residents and try to get their opinions, also 1 dollar for Sin city 🤣


So America has decided the only industry that matters is the technology sector. No wonder the United States is doing so poorly. Perhaps not everyone will work for silicon valley.


Some of these places you might have to watch out for Tornados. 🌪🌪🌪


Being from indiana, I can assure you, it’s not worth it.


I'm from S.W. Michigan trust when I say you don't want to live there. There's no jobs that can hire you everything is either shut down or going bankrupt. That's why I left and moved to the West Coast. Best decision I ever made and no I wasn't paid to move there.


People are moving out of IL by the thousands each year.
