17 things I wish I knew BEFORE getting a RAGDOLL KITTEN | ESSENTIAL Tips for OWNING a RAGDOLL KITTEN

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We bought our #RAGDOLLKITTEN back in February 2019 and we named her Elsa. She is a Seal mitted mink RAGDOLL KITTEN and we absolutely love her. She is the loveliest Ragdoll kitten we could ever have wished for. She's amazing.
However, we wish we knew some essential tips before we got our Ragdoll Kitten so we have compiled this list of essential tips for having a Ragdoll kitten for you.
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten? If so, do you absolutely love having them as much has we do? Are you thinking about buying a Ragdoll Kitten? If so, what would you name your Ragdoll?
If you don't have a Ragdoll Kitten but do have a cat, then what do you have and what is their name?

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⭐️ Update ⭐️

Elsa is doing great. She is healthy and growing well. She has a balance of wet and dry food. She is getting plenty of play time and interaction. We recognise that every Ragdoll is different and not all of our tips will be the same for others 😊


My Ragdoll Cocoa lived to be 16. He didn't like wet food either. I measured/free fed him Royal Canin Ragdoll formula. He was always a healthy weight. Toward the end of his life, I did switch him to a vet recommended kidney diet due to his lab work. He was such a wonderful cat. He passed away on 10/30/23 from kidney failure. I had him euthanized at home when his kidney levels were reaching critical levels. He transitioned peacefully in my arms. A happy cat to the end, he purred up to his final moments.

I loved Cocoa so much. Tou are so right that this is a commitment. While the loss is awful, I would do it all again. I'm so glad I got to know such a wonderful cat.

I always took extra moments to spend additional time with him when he sought attention. Even if it meant stopping what I was doing. I talked to him and engaged with him often. It makes such a difference when you put in the effort.

Elsa is beautiful. I know you will cherish her. ❤


I think the ragdolls’ behaviour depends on the cat’s personality. I have two ragdolls and they’re not at all fussy or messy. They’re both so gentle and patient! While I’m writing this my eldest rag doll (an 8 year old male) is asleep next to me and has managed to drown me in 2 tonnes of cat fluff 😂


I have a 9 month old ragdoll. The top thing I wish I was told before getting her was how much energy they have. I thought I was getting a lazy laid back cat but she doesn’t stop playing!! I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world but be prepared they’re feisty little buggers.


It takes at least three to four years for a Ragdoll to fully mature.


I'm laughing so hard about how cats really are fussy like humans. I think that's why I like them so much 😂 i respect an animal that cares about cleanliness like I do 😂


My ragdoll is a clumsy unco - the only cat who cant jump fences, fell out of a tree and gets attacked by birds, with his only defence flopping over. He’s an indoor boy! Love his unco-ness!


Really like your video, thank you for sharing! Just a note on the tail wagging and sleep. We've had our Ragdoll for 2 years (Sophie) and we have a Tortoise shell cat as well (Bella). I created a routine with my girls, when it's sleep time, play time, when it's breakfast and dinner. Even though cats are nocturnal, my girls always come and sleep with us, we taught them that it was not play time, we made a comfortable environment and they sleep through the night with us. We dedicate time when we get home in the evenings to play with them - this is were the tail wagging comes in, Sophie will stick her bottom in the air and her tail looks like a propeller, it swings around and goes crazy but she is in full play mode, she just wants us to throw her mouse and chase her into her toy tunnels and up the stairs. When she is annoyed, you'll see it on her face and then her tail sort of just flicks up and down - very different to when she is playing. So I guess you have to judge your cat personally, you'll know immediately if they want to play or if they are annoyed :) I have fallen in love with Ragdolls they are amazing!


The funniest thing about this is that i'm watching this bc im getting a ragdoll kitten tomorrow and I already have a cat named Elsa.


We have a precious ragdoll (Wooly) cat, too. He's VERY shy with strangers, but he loves to snuggle, and he follows us around like a puppy. We leave his crunchy food out, too, and he self-regulates, and isn't overweight at all. We also feed him Fancy Feast soft food with gravy every night. I wonder if he's a healthy weight because we feed him really good food without a lot of fillers (so he doesn't feel the urge to overeat). Anyway, he's about 4 years old, and his full coat is finally in. He's a sweet boy, for sure!


I found my Lynx Point Ragdoll one night, I scooped him up and brought him inside thinking he was my aunt's cat, what's inside it turns out he was a beautiful sweet stray whose head looked at like it had been used as a chew toy by a raccoon recently!! He was so sweet and calm and cuddly and affectionate and amazing to me I have nursed him back to health just the two of us he's the size of a full grown cat but he's definitely a kitten LOL I've never had a cat is disposition before and I've had many cats ragdolls are amazing and so beautiful and sweet I'm so glad I found him!


I had a Ragdoll from '71 to '91. Yes, he lived 20 years as an indoor/outdoor cat and only on dry food. If not for an unfortunate event, he would've loved another year or two. I just got another.


I’ve reserved two ragdolls and I’m so excited 🥺


⭐️ UPDATE ⭐️

Elsa now has a combination of Applaws dry and Wet food! Which is 100% natural ingredients and no added nastiness! Thanks for everyone’s comments


Ragdoll shave huge personalities so it’s hard to know what’s to expects from them, they all are so different😂


You summed up everything ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I cannot imagine my life without my Ragdoll. Today is the birthday of the day she came into my life.


There is always food in my cats bowls. I prep a "special" dinner in the evening where I mix a reasonable portion of dry food with about a quarter of a 3oz can of wet food, mixed well. It seems to help them sleep through the night. Not a proven fact, but it works well for my clan of 8 (feral/rescue) cats. In the morning, I lay down fresh dry food for the day.


Elsa is so beautiful. I have a 3 year old seal point and she is the love of my life. She is a bit finicky with food so I usually sprinkle some freeze dried treats on top of her wet food and that works, as I personally believe in a mostly wet food diet (I free feed some dry so she can snack when she wants). She won't take a bath but the only smelly issue that occasionally happens is with her pants so they just get an occasional trim when necessary and it isn't an issue.

You do make a few "absolute" points which aren't necessarily true though - tail wagging is often because they are annoyed but can be a response to varying stimuli depending on the cat, and also, not every indoor cat requires you trim their nails because often their scratching post takes care of that for them.


We have an 8-year-old, blue-mitted Ragdoll named Mr. McCloud! He's only ever had dry food, and absolutely HATED the wet food. I work from home and he's really my little buddy, following me from room to room and letting me know when he wants to be cuddled! He's the sweetest thing ever and we're so thrilled that we went with a Ragdoll!!


We rescued a litter of kittens in our backyard and ended up keeping 3. That was 22 years ago. We still have 1 left, and it's our ragdoll. If you take good care of your furbabies, they will be with you for a long time. Sadly, he's approaching the end, but he's still a loveable little man. If possible, I want to get another ragdoll cat, but not really all that soon.
