The Dalek siege that lasted 900 years

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The final battle of the Eleventh Doctor takes place on Trenzalore, during the long-prophesied Siege of Trenzalore that pitted the Doctor against many of his foes, chief among them the Daleks, for 900 years. What is the story of this legendary battle between the Doctor and the Daleks?

All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Frank Klepacki
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It's kind of crazy to think that a 900 year seige is almost nothing to the Dalek war machine as a whole. That they could sit above that same planet for 900 years straight and just never stop fighting a war agaisnt the Doctor as well as the othet speicies there!


The concept that after 3 millenia of on and off war with humanity starting with the conquest of Earth in the 22nd century, the Daleks just disappeared from the universe to fight the Time War in the 51st century is both amazing and terrifying. I like to imagine the Daleks were on the brink of victory, as we see in Into The Dalek and from a human perspective, they stopped and a Dalek wasn't seen again for centuries until the Paradigm rebuilt the Empire.


I think a whole series would be stretching it a lot but a 3 episode long special would be amazing to see


It's never too late to do a siege of trenzalore series. We know how it ends. But there's still a lot of creative things one could do with the series. Matt Smith is also older now so it will naturally work well rather than using CGI or makeup to age him up


Though the time of the Doctor is amazing. I would have loved to see an enter Series of it. Seeing the Doctor fighting against these enemies. It would have also been a way to see several of those other enemies from classic who like the Mara rendered in modern CGI. But also several other the things that are mentioned like the Dalek attack on the Papal Mainframe.


From a writting perspective, this needed a series not a Christmas episode. In fact, important episodes should not be Christmas episodes due to the limitations regarding viewership and having to cater to everyone.


I would've loved to see a Flux style short series about the siege on Trenzalore, clearing mapping out how it connects to the rest of the series, showing us tons of side characters and extra story. I feel if the general audience knew how tightly woven this story was into the entire 11th era, they'd appreciate it a lot more.


honestly, if they turned the siege into the final season of doctor who, capping off the show for good with time of the doctor, it would have been the perfect ending. twelve is still my favorite doctor (alongside 2 and 9), but i think this could have been an incredibly satisfying if bittersweet ending. maybe the daleks end would have been different, or wouldnt have happened at all (adding to their cosmic horror). im sure in some alternate timeline this could have been the case, capping off this beloved series in a fantastic way

also i so love your channel, keep doing what you love!


While a series long siege would be interesting, I’m glad we got the time of the Doctor as is


I enjoyed the Siege of Trenzalore. In my fanfic, the Invasion of Disney, it's foreshadowed by the Red Supreme of the Children of Davros when he and the others escaped with the hijacked Parliament ship. Basically making the Children of Davros were the ones at the fields of Trenzalore (at the time now Purified) while the Paradigm went out with a bag in the COD-Paradigm Dalek Civil War.


Thanks for this video! As a big Doctor Who fan, I always found the dalek timeline confusing, and never knew that it was the dalek paradigm and parliament at Trenzalore! You've just gained a subscriber!


I think the Seige of Trenzalore could work either way. As a kid, over 900 years was a big deal to the uninitiated. So it really made me think how dedicated the Doctor was to keeping the universe safe. In addition, the point you made about Demon's Run interfering with the timelines and directly causing these events to happen is a good example of what happens when messing with time travel goes wrong. It's why the Time Lords need to be time-sensitive, otherwise they wouldn't be able to keep stuff like that from happening.
As for the Daleks, I read in one of the books that the Paradigm Dalek Supreme actually killed the Dalek Prime Minister. The Dalek on the announcer was actually him.
I bet he was seething when the Doctor sent his regards from Gallifrey.


A fantastic insight as always. My thanks to you.


Given the Doctor destroyed Skaro using the Hand of Omega, the Daleks were arguably fully justified in their war against the Time Lords and the destruction of Gallifrey.


I really wish the trenzalore plot line was brought up more


I would have loved to have seen this as a series, each episode 100 or so years appart


The story was excellent in the way it played out.


You explained the timeline far better than the series did. BRAVO!!! Makes the timeless child nonsensical.


Thank you for this, the story of this doctor was always confusing for me. I didn't like it when I was a kid and it first came out, but I think it's much better compared to the new stuff coming out now


It would’ve been interesting to have, basically, an entire season dedicated to one single story thread: The Doctor defends a town from evil aliens.
It would’ve been episodic, and allowed us to see some classic enemies come back.
