Reading Mean Comments! They Said this to a 6 Year Old!

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Reading Mean Hate Comments! They Said this to a 6 Year Old!
And now comments are disabled :'(
Reading Mean Comments!! Today we do a video that we haven't done in a while and that's reading mean hate comments from YouTube! If you haven't heard yet, YouTube has disabled comments on all kids channels so you are no longer able to leave us any comments but today we read you some of our favorite hate comments that have been left on our channel.
Check out our other Channels!!!
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About Trinity and Beyond:
Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our YouTube Channel! This channel stars Trinity and her whole YouTube Family with Madison, Dad, Mom, and Preston! This is a fun channel made for the whole family to watch together! We do lots of good exciting videos that are tons of fun for everyone; in real life character scavenger hunts, pranks, family challenges, and more!
Thanks again for visiting our channel!
#trinityandbeyond #beyondfamily #trinityandmadison
And now comments are disabled :'(
Reading Mean Comments!! Today we do a video that we haven't done in a while and that's reading mean hate comments from YouTube! If you haven't heard yet, YouTube has disabled comments on all kids channels so you are no longer able to leave us any comments but today we read you some of our favorite hate comments that have been left on our channel.
Check out our other Channels!!!
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About Trinity and Beyond:
Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our YouTube Channel! This channel stars Trinity and her whole YouTube Family with Madison, Dad, Mom, and Preston! This is a fun channel made for the whole family to watch together! We do lots of good exciting videos that are tons of fun for everyone; in real life character scavenger hunts, pranks, family challenges, and more!
Thanks again for visiting our channel!
#trinityandbeyond #beyondfamily #trinityandmadison