What is Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion? | ALIF

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ALIF stands for Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. It is a common spinal surgery during which the spine is approached from the front through the abdomen. In lumbar spinal fusion surgery, there is an angle taken when the surgeon gains access to the spine from an anterior (Abdominal) approach. After the removal of a disc, the pressure on the nerves is relieved.

ALIF Can Be Used to Treat These Conditions:
- Bulging Disc
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Disc Tear
- Failed Back & Neck Surgery
- Facet Joint Syndrome
- Foraminal Stenosis

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I had ALIF surgery on October 12th.
Was up and walking just after waking up. The only discomfort I was having
Was the incision on the belly. My back felt fine and no pain meds. Went home the next day.
I to use a cane “JUST IN CASE” but it is not needed to get around.
As others have said, “wearing the back brace” all the time except when sleeping and showering.
My only big chore is avoiding the dreaded “BLT”.
I had read all of the horror stories about how painful the surgery was for some people but in my case it was a breeze. I either got lucky and/or I had great surgeons.


This video is very well done. Explains exactly what I was looking for.


In what cases can an ALIF be performed solely from the front, without going in the back?


So they still have to go through the back to put the screws in, too? Why not just go through the back for all of it?


I had a ALIF Lumbar fusion in April and looking at my xrays yesterday I noticed all these little specs in the xray and found out they were staples? Probably 15 to 20? I was never told they would be using staples and what are they for? Will they dissolve or just be there forever. What are they made of and what are they used for? I am not talking about the incision they are near the hardware and cage? Thanks for any information.


Went in through my stomach spent 4 days in hospital, very painful, 2 weeks later still having alot of pain at night in legs calfs ect.I had my L4 L5., L5 S1 done, takes up to one year to totally heal.


no!!! this takes away all movement in the patient.
